#19 Packaging of ANTs
Opened 4 years ago by jaruga. Modified 4 years ago

== Name ==

== Link to source code ==


== Licence ==

== Short description ==
The ANTS package is designed to enable researchers with advanced tools for brain and image mapping

== Bugzilla Entry(if any) ==

sqlite> SELECT id, status, component, severity, priority, reporter, cc, version, milestone FROM ticket WHERE id = 19;
19|new|Imaging||major|ankursinha|mrceresa, susmit||Packaging-wishlist

sqlite> SELECT ticket, strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', time / 1000000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS datetime, author, field, oldvalue, newvalue FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket = 19 ORDER BY time;
19|2011/08/13 15:24:18|ankursinha|cc||mrceresa, susmit
19|2011/08/13 15:24:18|ankursinha|comment|1|Working on this. 
19|2011/08/13 15:24:18|ankursinha|milestone|Packaging-wishlist|Packaging-in-progress
19|2011/08/13 15:24:18|ankursinha|owner||ankursinha
19|2011/08/13 15:24:18|ankursinha|status|new|assigned
19|2011/08/15 12:38:54|ankursinha|comment|2|We need to wait for ITK 4.0 to go stable. The current stable version that fedora will use is 3.4.0.
19|2011/08/15 12:38:54|ankursinha|keywords||WAIT_FOR_ITK, STALLED
19|2012/06/26 21:18:36|ankursinha|blockedby||
19|2012/06/26 21:18:36|ankursinha|blocking||
19|2012/06/26 21:18:36|ankursinha|comment|3|ITK stalled. 
19|2012/06/26 21:18:36|ankursinha|milestone|Packaging-in-progress|Packaging-wishlist
19|2012/06/26 21:18:36|ankursinha|owner|ankursinha|
19|2012/06/26 21:18:36|ankursinha|status|assigned|new

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