#73 Matchmaking for Feature Profile interviews
Closed: Fixed None Opened 15 years ago by mchua.

We'd like to get in-depth feature profiles for as many F12 features as possible. You can see examples of the F11 feature profiles at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F11_in-depth_features - these are usually interviews with the feature developers. They can be done in text (over IRC or email), as a podcast, as a video... the possibilities are endless.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be a matchmaker between stunning feature profiles and interviews waiting to be written - and the brilliant, witty writers who would be perfect to write them. Here's what to do.

  1. Take a look at the F12 features list, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/12/FeatureList - particularly the features that are in the talking points, http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Talking_Points. Find developer contact information for as many features as you can.
  2. Look at the authors of various FWN beats, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Beats. For each Beat author, pick one or two F12 features that you think they would be a good writer for, and email-introduce them to the developer, asking if the two of them would like to do an interview on IRC or email or a podcast or something.
  3. Write these pairings down on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F11_in-depth_features.
  4. Look at the remaining feature developers and tell them "we would love to have interviews of you on your feature! Can you help us find people to interview you, or record a screencast of yourself?"
  5. Write the developers-looking-for-interviewers list down on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F11_in-depth_features.
  6. Email the Marketing and Ambassadors lists with a call-to-action for filling in the remaining interviews this week - coordinate IRC meeting times if you have to, but work on getting as many good feature profiles as possible, in a range of media.


Feature profiles assigned.

Milestone F12b: Alpha to Beta deleted

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