#65 Modify PageMaster package
Closed: Fixed None Opened 15 years ago by itbegins.

For PageMaster, two changes.

Remove pagemaster/classes/FilterUtil.class.php and pagemaster/classes/FilterUtil (the whole directory).

Then, modify modules/pagemaster/pnuserapi.php line 306:
Old: Loader::LoadClass("FilterUtil",'modules/pagemaster/classes');
New: Loader::LoadClass("FilterUtil",'config/classes');

This points pagemaster to where we plan to install FilterUtil.

This ticket comes as a requirement for closing #25.

See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=519483 for the review request; once the package is approved, we are unblocked and this ticket is closed.

Milestone F12b: Alpha to Beta deleted

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