Hi guys, unfortunately (I admit I was too busy in August) we miss the deadline for creating the Talking Points [1] and now we are in a hurry because the beta readiness meeting is very close.
Of course we don't have any blocking issue for the releases, but Talking Points are useful also for the Release Announcement.
If there's anyone that could ping WGs in order to have fresh news to add to the TP page, please ask them for an help.
ATM I only created the page[2], tomorrow I'll change the content (by leaning on the changeset [3], until WGs people appear).
[1] https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-27/f-27-marketing-tasks.html [2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_talking_points [3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/27/ChangeSet
Metadata Update from @mailga: - Issue priority set to: critical (next week) - Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 27 (to Nov. 2017) - Issue tagged with: release preparation, talking points
Would it make sense to work with the Docs team to both enhance the release notes and to get information at one time?
See the issues in https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes
Metadata Update from @mailga: - Issue assigned to mailga
@bex I'd like to talk with you about this. I need more infos on how to do.
@mattdm Talking Points are quite finished, few notes:
Feel free to edit the page for any update.
Lupinix replies there are not differences between F26 and F27 beta. Updated Talkink Points.
FYI just update also the mediawriter section (no news with the new version).
With all the CVEs patched in recent kernels, from a security angle I'd mention the kernel shipping with 27B and that it has at the latest the patch for Blueborne and recent bugs prior. This is a point to help ensure end-users, especially newbies that there is no windows-ish download all these new drivers and such for BT and such.
For the developers, section maybe a link to the atomic sig changeset/updates regarding containerizing
A little more meat on the Arbitrary branching too would be a good idea.
Might be easier to read the modularity bits if it was a nested list of parts of the modular server / H &P etc.
Slight readability change for Editions > Server s/more simple \/ much easier/simplier.
@mailga wrote:
I'd start by looking at the Release Notes issues here: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes/issues and at any merged text that is here: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes/blob/f27/f/en-US -- I've also built the latest RN here: https://docs.stg.fedoraproject.org/beta/release-notes/index.html
lastly, your help is welcome and appreciated on closing out the release notes issues with updates :).
Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja: - Issue close_status updated to: Complete - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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