#239 "Like this" widgets won't load at https://fedoramagazine.org/rust-meets-fedora/
Closed: Complete 7 years ago Opened 8 years ago by viorel.

@pfrields @ryanlerch Have any ideas on this one? I have no idea where to begin troubleshooting this one.

Hmm, it works for me on all the above sites.

Does force-reloading the site fix the issue here? I think that this widget is deployed by jetpack, so there is not much we can do really to fix it on the theme side.

As I'm not the only one experiencing this can it be a permission issue? Do you have a non-admin account to test with? Also are there any errors for my IP address in Wordpress and server logs?

I've compared not-working vs working code blocks that display the widgets:

Not-working: https://fedoramagazine.org/use-shortcuts-faster-web-browsing/

<iframe class="post-likes-widget jetpack-likes-widget" 
data-origwidth="100%" data-origheight="55px" style="width: 513px;" width="100%" 
height="55px" frameborder="0"></iframe>

        <div id="target"></div>


Working: https://fedoramagazine.org/take-screenshots-on-fedora/

<iframe class="post-likes-widget jetpack-likes-widget" 
data-origwidth="100%" data-origheight="55px" style="width: 527px;" width="100%" 
height="55px" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<html><head><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//s0.wp.com/i/noticons/noticons.css?ver=20160429"><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//widgets.wp.com/likes/style.css?ver=20160429"></head>
    <body style="color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: &quot;Roboto&quot;,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; direction: ltr; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none;">
        <div id="target">
            <div class="sd-content wpl-likebox">

                <div class="wpl-button like">
                    <a href="#" title="Be the first to like this." class="like sd-button" rel="nofollow">

                <div class="wpl-count sd-like-count"><span class="wpl-count-text">Be the first to like this.</span></div>


I don't have time right now to dig deeper but can someone with admin access to
the site look at the pages as they are stored in WP and compare the code?

Here's another idea: out of all the blogs posted by Charles Profitt only
https://fedoramagazine.org/ayoub-elyasir-how-do-you-fedora/ does not display
the widget. Could Charles tell if there is anything different in the way
Jetpack likes are set in that document vs others?

Another bit is that I've gone as far as 12 months back through Ryan's blogs and
all of them do display the Like widget. And yes, it was fun.

More food for thought but hopefully we can get to the bottom of this.

I found this feature is part of the Jetpack plugin:


There is a "solved" post in a support forum:


It seems to have 2 root causes:

  1. Connection against wordpress.com.
  2. Tagging/Categorization of posts.

I'm going to investigate the Tagging/Categorization, but I can't check the connection against wordpress.com

I found this feature is part of the Jetpack plugin:

Connection against wordpress.com.

There are multiple servers hosting Magazine and Community Blog. Since some
people report no issues I'll confirm whether it's all of them and then contact
Infra folks.

  1. Connection against wordpress.com.

There are multiple servers hosting Magazine and Community Blog. Since some
people report no issues I'll confirm whether it's all of them and then contact
Infra folks.

Actually, on a second thought, we know that some posts do work, meaning that
it can't be a server side issue.

I went ahead though and tested the Community Blog 1 and Fedora Magazine 2
links against all addresses and the widgets aren't loading for me. A comparison
between a working a non-working article should tell us where the culprit is.

@viorel Would you be able to (1) reconfirm this issue, and (2) also tell us if you use any browser add-ons like uBlock, Ghostery, or Privacy Badger?

  1. Yes still an issue f.e. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/appdata-content-ratings-shipped-fedora/

  2. None of those. I've also tested with a FF profile having no other extension other than Calomel, and on Chrome.

Still happening today. Should we refer this problem to a technical area? I mean, this is happening in both WP blogs: CommOps and Magazine, and the issue looks to be related with an specific plugin (JetPack).

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue priority set to: None (was: 50)

7 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: no deadline
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 27 (to Nov. 2017)

7 years ago

@viorel @x3mboy The Fedora Magazine was migrated to a more standardized set-up a month or two ago, and the Community Blog was moved to this two weekends ago. I'd be curious to know if these issues are still happening on any of the articles linked above. I've noticed other people liking articles and I was able to like articles too.

Could you please confirm if it's still an issue?

cc: @pfrields @ryanlerch

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue tagged with: needs feedback

7 years ago

@viorel Could you try clearing your browser's cache / cookies or opening this in a private window? I tried this morning from my phone and had the issue, but I just tried again now on my laptop in a private window and it worked as expected.

It works for me perfectly. Also there is a new feature that allows to like comments (I saw it in the CommBlog, not sure if it's implemented in the magazine)

@jflory7 I tested with various browsers and profiles, force reloaded every time which bypasses the cache, and I even created a new Firefox profile. From a technical perspective I don't see what role cookies could play in this, but the new Firefox profile did not have any cookies for sure.

It's working now :) so after reviewing the ticket comments and without having access to logs, my guess is that there is at least one host failing and depending from where you are connecting, it may or may not work.

I've just tested with a SOCKS-ified Firefox profile, from home (Canada/BC), and other 3 locations (Canada/AB, USA/UT, and USA/CA) and cannot replicate the issue. Seeing that @x3mboy experienced similar issues back when this was reported and confirmed to be fine now, let's close the ticket since I'm out of ideas as to what the cause could be.

I've just tested with a SOCKS-ified Firefox profile, from home (Canada/BC), and other 3 locations (Canada/AB, USA/UT, and USA/CA) and cannot replicate the issue. Seeing that @x3mboy experienced similar issues back when this was reported and confirmed to be fine now, let's close the ticket since I'm out of ideas as to what the cause could be.

Sounds good. Thanks for following up and testing this after so long. I'm hoping that some of the recent changes to how the Magazine / Community Blog are managed have fixed these issues for good. :thumbsup: Closing ticket as fixed!

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue untagged with: needs feedback
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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