In order to have a FOSCo proposal for The Council before the deadline (July 1st), the actual FAMSCo asked for a Marketing coordinator for one of the seats in the new body.
At the moment FAmSCo is evaluating how FOSCo have to be structured and the real interest of the groups to be included.
Summarizing the state of the things, cwickert sent a mail in the Ambassador ML with all the links of interest. You can find it [ here].
Jflory7 is a good choice for coordination, I'm supporting his nomination.
For any other nomination or question, please reply in this ticket. For proposals about FOSCo transition, reply to the Christoph post in the ambassadors or in the council-discuss ML.
Thanks for filing this ticket, mailga. I would be glad to accept this nomination. This ticket will be added to tonight's meeting agenda. If possible, it will be great if you can attend to give some background about FOSCo to any other Marketing members.
'''Discussed in [ 2016-06-01 meeting].'''
For the time being, we're moving this ticket off the meeting agenda until we have more to discuss on it. We will revisit either when FOSCo is closer to finalizing or if other nominations crop up.
Going to close ticket. No one else except Justin raised his/her hand. FAmSCo is gonna starting with a light groups of people. So we consider Justin as the representative.
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