#219 Create Python talking points for Ambassadors
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by jflory7.

Originally discussed in a [https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2016-March/019027.html cross-posted mailing list thread].

= What =
As was identified by mattdm at DevConf CZ (and earlier discussions), Python, Python developers, and Python communities are a major target audience for Fedora in 2016. Ambassadors are encouraged to attend and promote Fedora in these communities and share how Fedora makes working with Python easier, more effective, etc. However, we are not sending them out with any documented talking points! Marketing can help with this area.

= How =
We have a limited set of resources from the past we can work with. Ruth pointed out on the list that there is an existing [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Python_brochure Python brochure] that was created, but the information on it is old, outdated, and it needs some touching up.

== Brochure update ==
The solution to this I proposed on the list was:

  1. Identify "hot topics" of Python and create a list.
    * "What makes Python so great on Fedora?"
    * "How is working on Python in Fedora easier than other distros?"
    * "What tools and resources does Fedora offer for Python developers?"
    * "What kind of support is there for Python developers in the project?"
    * "I'm a Python developer and want to help contribute. What can I do to help?"
  2. Submitting a ticket on the Design Team Trac with this info and a request to update the flyer for distribution in 2016.

== Building our resources ==
Like was mentioned on the list, there are not many resources available showing or teaching how Fedora is Python-friendly. Perhaps working with our Infrastructure team to get a list of some of the hottest Python projects they have and using this as a base is in our interest.

= When =
This is an urgent need. Our Ambassadors either are going out or will be going out to Python events soon across the world and providing them with the resources to effectively market Python + Fedora is the first step.

  • Tentative Due Date: End of March, absolute latest

= Open Discussion =
Thoughts, ideas, or ways we can tackle this are welcome. I am intending to add this ticket to the [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Marketing_meeting_2016-03-02 2016-03-02 Marketing meeting agenda].

'''Discussed in [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-03-09/marketing.2016-03-09-21.55.html 2016-03-09 meeting].'''

= Banner =
bkp volunteered to update the [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Python_brochure Python brochure] for 2016. The source for the image and the basics are there, but it needs some refreshing for 2016.

Once the changes are complete, the revisions will be uploaded to the wiki and a notification will be sent to the Marketing list so we can begin printing / distributing this across the channels.

= Marketing ideas and approaches =
We had a few ideas come up for how we can approach marketing to Pythonistas about why Fedora is awesome to work on Python with!

 Promote [https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/ Google Summer of Code] Python projects on the Community Blog, Magazine, and social media
Get a conversation started on the list about using Python in containers and how Fedora is a great place to do this kind of work (bring in some Pythonistas to the conversation, like Nick Coghlan, Kushal Das, etc.)
* Talk to the [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Python Python SIG] about organizing another Python2 => Python3 vFAD to get some awesome work done and promote how Python3 is a big thing in Fedora

= Standalone meeting? =
jzb also mentioned the possibility of dedicating an entire meeting time slot to only this topic. Do we want to make it take over next week's meeting (or at least leave the first ten minutes for high priority tickets and the other 50 minutes only for Python)? Or do we want to schedule a new meeting in a new time slot to try to pull in some Python experts who might not otherwise be able to attend?

This might be somewhat niche, but for some people it's important, and it ties nicely into the university outreach program. Fedora has nice support for the Python scientific stack, including Python 3. A bunch of packages has been added recently through the NeuroFedora project [https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1276941], but also some other things like python-sphinxcontrib-bibtex. Of course there's numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ipython, vtk, etc, etc. Altogether this forms a pretty environment for scientific python work.

As a Python Maint and Python SIG team member and an ambassador I would love to participate on this.

Random thoughts:

I was also about to propose some marketing thing with #FedoraLovesPython hashtag on Twitter etc. (For example on EuroPython, hand over the sticekrs, ask people to tweet pics of their devices with those stickers with hashtags #FedoraLovesPython and #EuroPython in order to win some prices or get a badge or something). Maybe we could use #FedoraLovesPython also in the brochure.

I am the creator/maintainer of Fedora Scientific. Python tools and libraries are actively being used in the scientific community and Fedora has its own lab product to cater to those in the form of [http://fedora-scientific.readthedocs.org/en/latest/python_programming.html Fedora Scientific].

I think this would make a nice point for what you are after.

FYI that the Ansible address is ansible.com -- not ansible.cc, as shown in the python brochure.

'''Discussed in [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-03-30/marketing.2016-03-30-20.59.html 2016-03-30 meeting].'''

= Review request: Brochure =

Above this comment, bkp attached the latest version of the Python + Fedora marketing brochure. The content and graphics could hit the printing press ASAP, but we want some other Python developers and contributors in Fedora to look this over and verify that everything checks out / makes sense / isn't going to get Fedora laughed at for a mistake at a conference. Additionally, if there's any major points you think are missing, feel free to let us know!

= Next up: Organizing another porting vFAD? =

The next possible step for this ticket is to organize another vFAD and put a little marketing effort behind it to see if we can help drum up some extra support for migrating packages. I will contact the Python SIG mailing list about this idea soon.

I just sat down and took a look through the brochure. I left my comments in the [https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/434#comment:9 Design Team ticket], but since we also requested feedback in this ticket, I will also post them here:

  • '''outer: "Learn more at:"'''
  • This should probably be https://getfedora.org/ instead of http://www.fedoraproject.org. Even though it redirects, it's probably more accurate to use the domain you are redirected to versus the fedoraproject.org domain. The QR code may need to be updated too.
  • '''outer: Python questions? Wiki page'''
  • https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Python
  • Linking to the wiki page here might be a good idea too since a lot of information about how to help / get involved is included here.
  • '''inner: Get Fedora'''
  • The URL used is get.fedoraproject.org. Should probably be https://getfedora.org/
  • '''inner: Mentioning DevAssistant'''
  • DevAssistant is a popular tool to help get development workspaces set up and ready to go, saving time from having to prepare a workspace environment. Based on feedback received on the list and also at events, I think making mention of DevAssistant somewhere in the brochure is a good idea as well.


hyperkitty moved to https://gitlab.com/mailman/hyperkitty

It would be nice to add pagure to the list of infra projects. Maybe instead of trac.

dnf install python-thingy does not work anymore. dnf does not support install by Provides, and most packages are now called python2-thingy or python3-thingy.
"Get packages" could say:
Want to install what you find?
dnf install python2-thingy
dnf install python3-thingy

I'd also add a blurb like:
Fedora 24 includes 1278 rpms for Python 2.7 and 2873 for Python 3.5.

(This is the result of dnf repoquery --releasever=24 --whatrequires 'python(abi) = 2.7' --qf '%{name}'|sort -u|wc -l. Maybe some better query should be used.)

Oops, 1278 rpms for Python 3.5 and 2873 for Python 2.7.

Replying to [comment:9 zbyszek]:

It would be nice to add pagure to the list of infra projects. Maybe instead of trac.

+1 from me for replacing Trac with Pagure.

Latest feedback included and SVG files uploaded for review.

The SVG's don't contain any content for me, so I don't know what's already mentioned :(

General resources to link to: https://developer.fedoraproject.org/

MicroPython and the BBC micro:bit may be worth mentioning, but I'm not entirely clear on the current status of those. I've requested more info regarding MicroPython at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1113915#c16

Details on working with the micro:bit are covered in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Micro_Bit

'''Discussed in [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-04-06/marketing.2016-04-06-20.55.html 2016-04-06 meeting].'''

= PyCon NA =

[https://us.pycon.org/2016/ PyCon North America] is happening in Portland, Oregon, from May 28th to June 5th. This is a major Python event just on the horizon where we will be able to execute some of these marketing materials and talking points firsthand.

= Brochure comments =

decause left some comments about the brochure during and after the meeting for some brainstorming.

== Replacing subtitle text ==

  • '''Subtitle text''': "A love story involving Python and Fedora"
  • Suggestion 1:
  • Line 1: In a Relationship with Python
  • Line 2: Since November 2003
  • Suggestion 2: Together, Forever, since 2003

== Leading edge ==

There is a double leading edge on inside panel of "Developing Python on Fedora".

== Mission statement ==


"Fedora incorporates leading-edge..."


"The Fedora Project's mission is to lead the advancement of Free and open source software and content as a collaborative community."

= Next up! =

After this, we're going to focus on generating some static talking points about Fedora in Python, probably somewhere on the wiki of something of that nature doesn't already exist.

Replying to [comment:10 zbyszek]:

dnf install python-thingy does not work anymore. dnf does not support install by Provides, and most packages are now called python2-thingy or python3-thingy.

Yes, dnf does support installing by Provides. dnf install python-thingy still works.

I'd also add a blurb like:
Fedora 24 includes 1278 rpms for Python 2.7 and 2873 for Python 3.5.

(This is the result of dnf repoquery --releasever=24 --whatrequires 'python(abi) = 2.7' --qf '%{name}'|sort -u|wc -l. Maybe some better query should be used.)

This might help as well http://fedora.portingdb.xyz/

Updated brochures with feedback from jflory7 and churchyard

You write Pip with capital letter, pypy all lower case, Python sometimes as Python and sometimes as python :(

Please do not promote DevAssistant in there.

"Ansible, OpenStack, and PiTiVi are all built with Python." - that cool, but how doea sthe reader relate those things to Fedora?

What's wrong with DevAssistant? I'm not defending it, but a reason would be helpful.

We don't have resources/time to develop it any further or even fix bugs etc.

Does the current draft of the brochure check out to everyone? If so, we can look at getting this to the printing presses sooner than later and let our Ambassadors in the region know they are a resource available to them.

brochure, prepped for print:

feed back from a python dev who read my print out:

  • "the first panel as you open it up makes the call for you to use fedora - comes on too strong, comes off preachy. ease into it"

  • "the last panel on the inside isnt too useful to me at all"

  • "there's no mention of fedora workstation or how to get it. that's focused towards developers. i'd want to learn about that."

take it fwiw.

I wouldn't rush with printing this. Honestly, I think it's far from ready.

"Ansible, OpenStack, and PiTiVi are all built with Python." - that cool, but how doea sthe reader relate those things to Fedora? - this still stands.

Also, any chance to promote Python 3 porting activities, such as http://fedora.portingdb.xyz/ ?

Duffy made a fair point as well.

Adjusting keywords for this ticket so it actually shows up in the Trac report properly. This is on the agenda for tomorrow, we're going to see if we can begin to finalize details on this ticket then.

I think if we can mention that by default Fedora is a Python3, that would be nice.

Also, the picture here https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedoras-love-python-continues/ has Gimp in it, that should have been spelled GIMP. The sentence was never discussed here :(

Replying to [comment:29 churchyard]:

Also, the picture here https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedoras-love-python-continues/ has Gimp in it, that should have been spelled GIMP. The sentence was never discussed here :(

This was an editing mistake on my part. I have just corrected the capitalization in the announcement. Thanks for catching it!

Replying to [comment:26 churchyard]:

"Ansible, OpenStack, and PiTiVi are all built with Python." - that cool, but how doea sthe reader relate those things to Fedora? - this still stands.

Any ideas of how we can relate that in the brochure? I'm a little sparse for ideas but I agree with what you're saying.

= Modifying brochure in time for PyCon =

We are in a bit of a time crunch for this ticket due to the upcoming PyCon events across the world, and the time needed to print the brochures. bkp and I were going to check in with mizmo about the printing status and if it was too late to add more (just pinged in #fedora-design). I meant to follow up sooner on this but it slipped my mind.

To help expedite any potential changes, I have a bullet-point list of the proposed revisions.

= Proposed changes =

  • Add information about Fedora Workstation, how to get it, imply its focus towards developers
  • "By default, Fedora uses Python3 and helps contribute to porting Python2 packages to Python3. You can see more on the Fedora Python Porting database. http://fedora.portingdb.xyz/"

Anything else to add in here?

Replying to [comment:26 churchyard]:

"Ansible, OpenStack, and PiTiVi are all built with Python." - that cool, but how doea sthe reader relate those things to Fedora? - this still stands.

Any ideas of how we can relate that in the brochure? I'm a little sparse for ideas but I agree with what you're saying.

Maybe "Ansible, OpenStack, and PiTiVi are all built with Python and available in Fedora"

Anything else to add in here?

You can get a badge for Python 3 porting, maybe show the badge there as well?


Replying to [comment:31 churchyard]:

Any ideas of how we can relate that in the brochure? I'm a little sparse for ideas but I agree with what you're saying.

Maybe "Ansible, OpenStack, and PiTiVi are all built with Python and available in Fedora"

Hah, maybe I was overthinking it. This seems great to me.

Anything else to add in here?

You can get a badge for Python 3 porting, maybe show the badge there as well?


= Proposed changes =

  • Add information about Fedora Workstation, how to get it, imply its focus towards developers
  • '''Add''': "By default, Fedora uses Python3 and helps contribute to porting Python2 packages to Python3. You can see more on the Fedora Python Porting database (and get a badge for helping). http://fedora.portingdb.xyz/"
  • '''Change''': "Ansible, OpenStack, and PiTiVi are all built with Python and available in Fedora."

Anything else to add in here?

Replying to [comment:32 jflory7]:

  • '''Add''': "By default, Fedora uses Python3 and helps contribute to porting Python2 packages to Python3. You can see more on the Fedora Python Porting database (and get a badge for helping). http://fedora.portingdb.xyz/"
    Make sure to add spaces between Python and the version number e.g. Python 3, not Python3.

We also have those stickers in Brno https://github.com/fedora-python/fedora-loves-python

I think some other events might use them as well.

bkp - let me make the changes - the brochures are converted to scribus for cmyk so inkscape updates wont be usable. (unless you want to make the changes in scribus.)

i am going to update the brochure tomorrow at 1 pm eastern us. i cannot accept any changes after that point.

duffy: Okay that's great, thanks! I will honor (and enforce) your deadline.


= Proposed changes =

  • Add information about Fedora Workstation, how to get it, imply its focus towards developers
  • '''Add''': "By default, Fedora uses Python3 and helps contribute to porting Python2 packages to Python3. You can see more on the Fedora Python Porting database (and get a badge for helping). http://fedora.portingdb.xyz/"
  • '''Change''': "Ansible, OpenStack, and PiTiVi are all built with Python and available in Fedora."

Hey so I'm trying to make these changes now and can't:

  • Where is the Fedora Workstation text to add? (also, space? suggest cutting last panel on the inside for this. Replace last panel with a line something like, x # of fedora projects are python based)
  • Theres isnt space to add the stuff about Fedora using Python 3. I propose cutting a lot of the Fedora stuff on the leftmost panel of the inside and placing this there. (Basically the three grey blocks that say fedora strives to -- blah blah. Just kept the first paragraph about Fedora, then put in the one about Fedoras porting project for python.)

Some direction would be great. I would really like to get this finalized by EOB today so I can prep it for print.

updated print ready file

(previews, etc on design team ticket, including alternate version of PDF for home printing / digital distrbution)


Thanks, it looks great!

Some typos:

Pypy -> PyPy

PyPy is written in python -> Python

Fedora Python Porting database -> Fedora Python 3 Porting Database (notice both capital D and number 3)

to porting Python 2 packages to Python3 -> Python 3

I've marked those with green in:


= Brochures off to print =

With the recent update that the brochures have been sent off to the printer, it seems like we're all set on this ticket! I think from a Marketing perspective, we're good to close this ticket out. Thanks all to everyone who collaborated and provided input on this ticket, your time is really appreciated! This will mark the beginning of a new Marketing objective for Fedora this year. :)

Replying to [comment:40 churchyard]:

Thanks, it looks great!

Some typos:

Pypy -> PyPy

PyPy is written in python -> Python

Fedora Python Porting database -> Fedora Python 3 Porting Database (notice both capital D and number 3)

to porting Python 2 packages to Python3 -> Python 3

I've marked those with green in:


This feedback missed the deadline to make it for the printer, but I am going to forward this comment to the [https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/434 Design Team ticket 434] so it is logged there for later correction. These changes won't make it in for this run, but we'll get them in for next time.

Thanks again everyone! Nice work.

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