#195 F23 screenshots page
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by ankursinha.

I'll work on this and have something by the weekend.

If this hasn't been missed, do we need this page at all? Why do we do this - for websites and things to use?

The page is looking pretty complete - is there anything else we need to do for screenshots in order to mark this off the list?

Replying to [comment:5 jflory7]:

The page is looking pretty complete - is there anything else we need to do for screenshots in order to mark this off the list?

There is a different background in the final release, I'm updating that page just now.
I'd like to show also the anaconda screenshot but I'm not able to do.

Replying to [comment:7 mailga]:

Screenshots with final background [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/F23_Screenshots here]

Closed ticket
Meant to comment earlier, but I was trying to load a new Fedora GNOME Box to take screenshots of Anaconda, and I was running into a few issues with the app - looks like I wouldn't be able to grab screenshots of it anyways. Next release. :)

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