We need a flyer for the workstation product to give out at events!
I'm working on this!
Initial version is up. I've shamelessly plagiarised Matt's fedora magazine post here! Things we need to do:
I know everyone dislikes LaTeX but at least in this scenario, it's much easier to use - I can just change one line and generate the flyer for a4/letter/a3 etc. In the ODT, I had to do the math again to reset the margins..
Two versions uploaded, both A4 for the moment - (please do not use any scaling options in the print settings, it messes up the folding):
This one has the second page inverted to ease printing - you can just select "long edge standard" and it'll come out right
https://ankursinha.fedorapeople.org/fedora-flyer-workstation/fedora-flyer-workstation-notumble.pdf This one has the second page upright, so that you folks can read it easily :)
I'm really looking forward to all your feedback.
The source is here: https://github.com/sanjayankur31/fedora-flyer-workstation/tree/draft
Thanks, Ankur
Oh! A QR code link to getfedora.com would be awesome somewhere too!
Replying to [comment:3 ankursinha]:
I'd like to see each place we use a QR code include a unique identifier, so we can get a sense of the effectiveness of various fliers and promotions. (Maybe a good idea for a separate ticket.... hmmm)
Replying to [comment:4 mattdm]:
Maybe, ids for different events printed on QR stickers to apply over generic flyers?
+1 to QR stickers for each event
For the flyer, my (coinflip) humble opinion is that we should consider two things. First is that on the back of the page, we should always have a major feature at the top of the middle section since it'll be the back of the folded flyer.
My second concern is that we should have either a serif font (for easier on paper reading) or a clean (i.e. Liberation Sans or similar), sans-serif as the copy text font.
I'd take a stab at an edit, however I've never used latex and I would guess I would end up making a complete mess out of an attempt to move anything around.
Replying to [comment:6 iambryan]:
+1 to QR stickers for each event For the flyer, my (coinflip) humble opinion is that we should consider two things. First is that on the back of the page, we should always have a major feature at the top of the middle section since it'll be the back of the folded flyer.
We could do this - shouldn't be too difficult. I've copied the layout from the old fedora generic flyer which had the "mailing lists and irc" etc. information at the back for this draft version.
Ah, makes sense. I've made some versions with other fonts too:
Well, it's actually really easy, and the worst mess you'll make is that some text won't show. I'll write up a README documenting how one can tinker with the file :)
versions with different fonts flyer-fonts.png
I added a readme that should help anyone looking to hack the document get started:
New version:
An opensans version, suggested on the desktop list is here: https://ankursinha.fedorapeople.org/fedora-flyer-workstation/fedora-flyer-workstation-opensans.pdf
Latest version is here: https://ankursinha.fedorapeople.org/fedora-flyer-workstation/fedora-flyer-workstation-opensans.pdf
Any more comments/corrections on this? :D
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