This is for - we need to get a test instance up so we have something to play around with.
You'll be installing it on (so ssh to
In order to get access, you'll need to be a member of the sysadmin-test FAS group. Ask on the #fedora-admin IRC channel if you're not sure how to apply for this.
The packages you'll need are: zikula, zikula-module-crpTag, zikula-module-News. (Core zikula + 2 modules.)
Follow the instructions on, but make the database innodb instead of MyISAM (says Ricky: "we're currently having issues with large MyISAM databases running into table locking issues, and InnoDB has row level locking which we think would solve a lot of that.")
Once it's done, email the Marketing mailing list and let people know how they can create an account to test it.
Done -, and the logistics and marketing lists have been emailed.
Milestone F12a: Pre-Alpha deleted
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