#75 Part 1: Fedora Flatpak remote article
Closed: scheduled 2 years ago by glb. Opened 2 years ago by rlengland.

I know this isn’t Fedora Linux specific, but I believe there should be an article about the Fedora Flatpak remote. Adding the Fedora remote is a good first step, and then we can expand on e.g. where to open issues, how it compares with Flathub, what the differences are to OCI images, etc.

Getting access to the Fedora remote is already difficult, and it was even worse before I started posting online. Most pages regarding Fedora Flatpak don’t really explain what the purpose of it is, so that article should be really useful.

It’s good to promote Flatpak’s decentralization too and show that there are alternatives to Flathub. And even better, how Flatpak remotes can differ from one another.

I’d be happy to write the article. I have good knowledge with Flatpak and wouldn’t mind doing a lot more research on the Fedora remote, since I have to admit that I know very little of it because of the poor documentation.


Metadata Update from @rlengland:
- Issue tagged with: article, needs-image

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @rlengland:
- Custom field preview-link adjusted to https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=35705&preview=true&preview_id=35705

2 years ago

I want it to be a mini series.

At the moment, I'm considering the following order:
1. Introduction to Fedora Flatpaks
2. Differences between Flathub and Fedora Flatpaks
3. ...

Sounds good to me. Go ahead and create separate cards for the different parts of your series so we can track the different publication dates.


I think it looks fine. Just make sure that the version uploaded to FM is the right size and that it is in JPG format. Thanks.

Done. Can you double check?

Looks real good to me. Thanks.

LGTM. You might get a comment or two about using the old Fedora logo. But I don't think Fedora has fully switched over to the new one yet. So it probably doesn't matter.

Metadata Update from @theevilskeleton:
- Issue untagged with: needs-image

2 years ago

Alright, I'm done writing the article. Can any of you provide feedback?

Metadata Update from @glb:
- Custom field editor adjusted to @glb
- Custom field image-editor adjusted to @theevilskeleton

2 years ago

I don't think "And so forth." is a complete sentence. I would just delete it since you stated earlier Some examples ...

Other than that I think it looks good. You can go ahead and schedule this for Wednesday and that should give you a little more time to get the editing done for #55.


Alright. I'll do the change once you stop editing the article.

Edit: Nevermind. I just had to refresh.

Okay, scheduled. Can you double check if everything is okay? Also, can you set it up in a way that it's a series?

Sorry about that. I was just enabling public preview so I could put a link to it on https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/meeting-and-publication-schedule/34554/36

I've created a "Fedora Flatpaks" series and added your first article to it.

Can you double check if everything is okay?


I'll go ahead and move this card to the top of the scheduled column since it has been scheduled in WordPress.


Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Issue close_status updated to: scheduled

2 years ago

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