#113 Understanding BTRFS and putting it to good use "RAID - Use a single BTRFS filesystem with multiple disks"
Opened 2 years ago by rlengland. Modified 4 months ago

Article Summary:

Short series of articles describing what one can do with BTRFS.

Article Description:

This should be a series of multiple articles that each describe a specific bit about how to work/what to do with BTRFS. In particular, I’d like to touch the following topics (Not necessarily in this strict order):

  1. RAID - Use a single BTRFS filesystem with multiple disks

The idea came to me since in recent times I often find myself being fascinated about BTRFS and what it is capable of, and explaining a lot of what I already know to others. So I’d like to share this with the wider community, if there is interest in this!


Metadata Update from @rlengland:
- Issue tagged with: article, needs-image

2 years ago

Metadata Update from @rlengland:
- Issue tagged with: needs-series

2 years ago

@hartan have you had an opportunity to work on this article? It would add to your great series.

Hi @rlengland

haven't done much unfortunately. I do want to finish the series (at least write all the articles), but right now I cannot find the time to do so. I'll report here when I have a draft.

Checking in to see if you have had an opportunity to work on this article, and to "ping" you in case it has slid off your to-do list. :smile_cat:

Hey @rlengland, thanks for the ping. I haven't forgotten about the series, but my priorities have shifted this year. I haven't been able to make progress on the matter yet (unfortunately), but I'll rank it higher on my todo now. Thanks!

Priorities can change, that's for certain. We'd love to have your contribution when you can fit it in.
Thanks for the response.

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articles Status: ideas