Metadata Update from @glb: - Issue assigned to armanwu - Issue tagged with: article, needs-image
Just start with this one. Thanks!
Here's the link:
Metadata Update from @rlengland: - Custom field preview-link adjusted to
Hi, @armanwu You have begun work on this final article of 4. Do you have an idea when you might finish it? That would complete your original 4 article series.
Thanks for all your effort so far.
Hi, @rlengland Thanks for the reminder. I'll start continuing the writing. Hopefully, it will be completed within 1-2 weeks. Thanks :)
Hi, @rlengland I've finished writing this article, please review it. Honestly, I'm not very familiar Fedora Alt Downloads. I'm concerned that my understanding in the article may be incorrect. Thanks :)
Metadata Update from @glb: - Custom field editor adjusted to glb
Metadata Update from @glb: - Custom field publish adjusted to 2023-07-14
Metadata Update from @glb: - Issue untagged with: needs-image - Issue tagged with: needs-series
Metadata Update from @glb: - Custom field preview-link adjusted to (was:
@armanwu: Thanks for your work on this article! It was necessary to heavily revise the "Network Installer" section due to some inaccuracies. However, I think I have it fixed and this is now scheduled to go out tomorrow, Friday 14th at 08:00 UTC. As always, let us know with comments here if you want anything changed.
@armanwu: Thanks for your work on this article! It was necessary to heavily revise the "Network Installer" section due to some inaccuracies. However, I think I have it fixed and this is now scheduled to go out tomorrow, Friday 14th at 08:00 UTC. As always, let us know with comments here if you want anything changed. Thanks!
Hi @glb . I have no comments. Please schedule it. Thanks!
Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open) Issue close_status updated to: published
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