Metadata Update from @glb: - Issue assigned to armanwu - Issue tagged with: article, needs-image
Hi @glb and @rlengland , I've just start this article.
Thanks :)
@armanwu That's great. I've set the status to "in Progress"
Hi @armanwu Do you have an idea when you might be able to finish up work on your article? Not trying to rush you, just looking for any possible update.
Metadata Update from @rlengland: - Custom field image-editor adjusted to armanwu - Custom field preview-link adjusted to
Metadata Update from @rlengland: - Issue untagged with: needs-image
Hi @rlengland . I will continue at the end of this week. Looks like I can finish it before November 20th :)
I haven't started yet this week. I'll try to finish it at the end of this month.
@armanwu Any update on your status for this article?
Hi, @rlengland . Thanks for reminding me. I'll continue after 20th Desember. I'll have enough free time after the 20th. Hope it'll finished before Christmas.
Hope the holidays were fruitful. Any update on this article?
Hi, @rlengland . Sorry. Not yet. I'll try this weekend. Thanks :)
There's an update for this article, but it's not finished yet. I'll finish soon. Thanks!
Hi, @rlengland & @glb . Sorry for the very slow progress of this article. I'm done with this article, but there are no images in the content of this article yet. I don't mind if anyone can help me add images, or maybe it's fine without images. Thanks!
@armanwu I did some editing on your article. If you want, please read through it to make certain you approve. As far as the images go, the first article you did had not contain images so I don't think they are absolutely necessary. As far as I can tell there are no specific images for each of the Labs so I'm not certain what you could add. Each Lab landing page has images for the main tools so I suspect that would be adequate.
Metadata Update from @rlengland: - Custom field editor adjusted to rlengland - Custom field publish adjusted to 2023-03-08 - Issue tagged with: needs-series
Hi, @rlengland . I've read and ok with it. I'll start with the next article. Thanks :)
Thank you. I've scheduled it for Wednesday 8 March.
Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open) Issue close_status updated to: scheduled
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