Hello, I’m contacting you on behalf of the Anaconda team to raise awareness that Anaconda has to change the backend which is used to control keyboard configuration of the Live environment. That means that we will depend on the org.freedesktop.locale1 D-Bus API and we are contacting you with a request to support this API. Currently, Anaconda depends on libXklavier library, however, we are forced to migrated from this solution to Wayland compatible solution for various reasons:
Also, the Anaconda team got a lot smaller, so we are not in position to maintain both solutions based on the system. That would get us into more bugs in the future which we don’t have capacity to resolve. For that reason we are requesting all the SIGs owning spins on Fedora to implement support which will reflect this DBus API to the Live environment. More precisely, this API will be used by Anaconda to read and change the currently set keyboard layout configuration on Live media. Your Live environment should reflect on these changes and apply them to the running Live environment. I’ll create a system wide change soon to connect all the parties in one place but we wanted to reach all of you beforehand.
What you need to do: Verify if you are already reflecting the systemd-localed keyboard configuration on your spin Live installation environment. If the above is not correct, please implement this missing communication. For inspiration (can’t be used in this version) feel free to take a look at the Sway solution (https://github.com/alebastr/sway-systemd/blob/main/src/locale1-xkb-config ).
For more information please see this https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/latest/org.freedesktop.locale1.html
We would like to get these changes together with Wayland to switch to Fedora 41 if possible. In case you won’t be able to add support for the DBus service, we will solve this situation with the same approach as described in bug above which means that Anaconda won’t be controlling your system keyboard configuration in the Live environment and users will be requested to set this in the Anaconda for the installed system only.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and we will try to help you with this migration process.
A note: All the X11 spins might share the same solution.
Metadata Update from @ngompa: - Issue tagged with: experience
So LXQt X11 currently uses OpenBox, for our Wayland strategy, we're currently looking at labwc, and I've already got an issue open with them about this in gh#labwc/labwc#1588.
It looks like we're going to need to write a helper service script thing to trigger configuration reloads for labwc to support this, based on the current upstream discussion.
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