#27 Translation projects in Weblate - a new page proposal for the [L10N docs](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/localization/) site.
Closed a year ago by peartown. Opened 2 years ago by peartown.

This new page contains information we would like to communicate to (upstream) project owners, regarding our Weblate translation platform. Basically, the information should make clear what projects that would like to use Weblate should expect from our side and what they should be ready for on their side in order to use Weblate for their localization.

This is a firs shot in collecting such information. The author of most of the information is Jean-Baptist (thank you!) in his posts to the mailing list.

I'd like to ask you for comments and reviews:
- is this the right direction?
- is there a better title of the page (Translation projects in Weblate), the name of the file (hosting.adoc)?
- what could be added or removed for information?

So, thank you very much if you find some time to look into this.

The proposal is available in the staging instance of docs.fedoraproject.org. And plese find for a reference the relevant pull request.


Metadata Update from @peartown:
- Issue assigned to peartown

2 years ago

Let's close this. The work is prepared by two related PRs:

Still, I'm not sure if it should be published, no much feedback received...

Metadata Update from @peartown:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

a year ago

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