#11 Refactoring has lead to an error email
Closed 3 years ago by jibecfed. Opened 3 years ago by wottop.

We refactored one of our projects such that 2 different sets of .po files have been incorporated into one set.

now has all the translations and

is pointing back to the upstream where no files exist any longer.

I would like to keep syspurpose-master in existence, but I have locked it in hopes that it would stop this issue:

Parse error
Fedora Weblate / subscription-manager / syspurpose-master
Error message
No such file or directory

I am getting an email every hour despite the lock.

Hello, I simply deleted the old component, have a nice day

Metadata Update from @jibecfed:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

I specifically stated that I did not want the component removed yet: "I
would like to keep syspurpose-master in existence"

On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 1:10 AM Jean-Baptiste Holcroft pagure@pagure.io

jibecfed added a new comment to an issue you are following:
Hello, I simply deleted the old component, have a nice day

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