#1026 [f40] container-toolbox: Use 'toolbx' as VARIANT_ID in os-release(5)
Merged 2 months ago by ngompa. Opened 2 months ago by rishi.

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ 




- fedora-release-container

+ fedora-release-toolbx




This is meant to distinguish OCI containers and images that are designed
specifically for Toolbx from others. Toolbx containers are long-lasting
pet containers for interactive command line use, which makes them
substantially different from short-lived containers running services.

Therefore, it can be useful to be able to identify Toolbx containers and
images when generating statistics about Fedora usage.


rebased onto 4536bf7

2 months ago

Corresponding pull request for main: https://pagure.io/fedora-kickstarts/pull-request/1015

I had failed to realize that it landed only in main, not f40.

It looks like the fedora-toolbox images are still being built by Image Factory, not KIWI:

$ podman inspect --format '{{ .Comment }}' --type image registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora-toolbox:40
Created by Image Factory

... which is why I filed this PR.

We are in beta freeze. Is this important to try and get in before that? or can it land after we sign off on beta?

We are in beta freeze. Is this important to try and get in before that? or can it land after we sign off on beta?

It's not that urgent, and can definitely land after the Beta Freeze.

Oh, and if we move to kiwi doing these builds, it will need to change over there.... but we can sort it out.

Oh, and if we move to kiwi doing these builds, it will need to change over there.... but we can sort it out.

Yeah, I am trying to sort out the KIWI builds in parallel. I got myself a thin slice of free time to work on the fedora-toolbox images, and I want to take advantage of it to fix everything, so that nothing slips through the cracks.

Oh, and if we move to kiwi doing these builds, it will need to change over there.... but we can sort it out.

Yeah, I am trying to sort out the KIWI builds in parallel. I got myself a thin slice of free time to work on the fedora-toolbox images, and I want to take advantage of it to fix everything, so that nothing slips through the cracks.

For example, what if something goes wrong and we have to activate the contingency plan and switch back to Image Factory?

rebased onto 82222e1

2 months ago

We're not using this anymore, but the change is harmless enough to merge.

Pull-Request has been merged by ngompa

2 months ago