#605 KF6 6.10 pyside6 python bindings
Opened a month ago by loise. Modified a month ago

Hi, during a rebuild I noticed kf6 packages now have started to include the option to generate python bindings based on pyside6. I made some preliminary experiments (on epel9 so I needed a sed in %build to drop the python requirement from 3.10 to 3.9 to make it work, not needed on fedora) and here's the list for review where the bindings get build successfully and have them packaged. The goal would be to have that included in @farchord s sidetag as soon as possible so the next Fedora would be able to provide development of KDE plasma 6 apps in python:

Those 6 packages are all affected in release 6.10 where the python bindings are added to the build system.

The python bindings are a GSoC project:
The ki18 bindings aren't merged into the frameworks yet but available here:

Is it just available on those 3 for now?

Is it just available on those 3 for now?

I'm going through all packages and saved the first three entries for a start :) I'm completing things now going trough all build logs of kf6

Metadata Update from @farchord:
- Issue assigned to loise
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora Linux 41
- Issue tagged with: meeting, packaging

a month ago

@loise suggested this might not be needed and asked to discuss this in today's meeting.

Let me know when the pyside6 packages are in epel10 and I'll get this in

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Packaging Status: Backlog