#334 Kinoite lags/freezes on modern overview and tiling screen
Opened a year ago by mattm. Modified 9 months ago

I have noticed that on my Kinoite boxes, I experience a short freeze when activating the modern overview or the meta+t tiling screen. It initially appears then freezes the whole UI (including the mouse) for a second before resuming. It freezes after the animation is played.

This does not seem dependent on the windows open or the window content. It happens even with no windows open. I made a new user and tried logging in thinking it was something in my configs, but still experienced it

I can reproduce on 2 different machines. These are a modern desktop and a ryzen laptop, they are by no means short on resources. Booting the standard Fedora KDE spin on a USB stick and it does not suffer the freeze, it appears to be Kinoite specific.

Metadata Update from @ngompa:
- Issue tagged with: experience, kinoite

a year ago

further details to this, when the freeze happens for the tiling screen the following is written to the journal

kwin_wayland[1427]: file:///usr/share/kwin/effects/tileseditor/qml/main.qml:152:13: QML SpinBox: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth"

for the overview the following is written

kwin_wayland[1427]: file:///usr/lib64/qt5/qml/org/kde/plasma/extras/PlaceholderMessage.qml:238:5: QML Heading: Binding loop detected for property "verticalAlignment"

EDIT: nevermind - setting an implicit height and width in the main.qml stops the error being thrown, but does not have any effect on the freeze

Hello !

I've the same problem on kinoite 37 and 38 on Wayland.
I have noticed that this problem is not present in the KDE spin.
It is also the case when I use the touchpad gestures on my laptop : three-fingers swipe or four-fingers.

I lose, sometimes, the ability to use a three fingers touch to middle click in the firefox tab bar for example to open or close a tab or to paste a text, after having used a three or four fingers swipe. It is difficult to reproduce because random. But I noticed that this bug is also present in the KDE spin.

My laptop :
Thinkpad P14s 20Y AMD 4750U
32Go RAM

Thank you

I rebased to rawhide this morning to check out 5.27.5 - noted the freeze on the modern overview is gone and the freeze on the meta + t tiling screen has gone from a solid 1 second or more to just a few milisec - dont know if it was anything specific upstream that had that effect, as in its not clear if its 5.27.5 that fixed overview or if its the other package updates that have had that effect

I rebased to rawhide this morning to check out 5.27.5 - noted the freeze on the modern overview is gone and the freeze on the meta + t tiling screen has gone from a solid 1 second or more to just a few milisec - dont know if it was anything specific upstream that had that effect, as in its not clear if its 5.27.5 that fixed overview or if its the other package updates that have had that effect

Hello, similar to everyone who has mentioned this issue here and in bugs.kde.org, I am having this issue in Kinoite. However, unlike the previous comment, I'd just like to note I am still experiencing this in Plasma 5.27.5 (38, not Rawhide though).

I can confirm that rebasing from rawhide back to 38 and the problem returns

Installed the branched 39 Kinoite compose this morning and the overview is completely freeze free, the meta + t tiling screen has a minor freeze for a fraction of a second

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