#352 Welcome to Fedora @mackilanu!
Opened a month ago by ankursinha. Modified a month ago


Hello @mackilanu! Welcome to Fedora!

Before we begin, please subscribe to the Fedora join mailing list at
We use this list for general discussion, and it is also where the community
shares tasks that need help.

You can also sign into the Fedora community Matrix chat
using your Fedora
account. Most teams will have rooms here. You can join whichever ones you find
interesting. (More about teams and communication platforms in the links below)

The links below are a good read to begin with. They tell you what the Free/Open
Source community is about, and then they'll introduce you to Fedora: what
Fedora is all about, and what we do, and of course, how we do it. They are all
optional and they are by no means "complete", so please read what you find
interesting and skip bits that you already know :)

Next, when you're ready, could you please introduce yourself (preferably on
the mailing list) so that the community can get to know you? See the next
section for some ideas on what to say.

Finally, could you let us know how you learned about the Fedora project? Was it
from a colleague, or social media, for example?

If you have any questions at all, please ask! We'll use this ticket to keep in
touch! :)

Getting to know each other better

We are all friends in the community, and it helps us all to know a little about
each other. Please tell us about yourself---whatever you wish to say. Note that
this is not a job interview! It is just an icebreaker to help all us all get to
know each other better. The better we know each other, the better we can
support each other in identifying relevant/interesting Fedora activities.

Here are some ideas:

  • your experience with Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) communities/ecosystems:

    • have you participated in FOSS before, or is this the first time?
    • how do you imagine your place in a FOSS community?
  • your background/skills, for example:

    • community development and outreach, campaigning, journalism
    • Operating System (Do you use GNU/Linux as your main OS? Is Fedora Linux your main distribution?)
    • non-software development: design (Inkscape/Gimp/?), music/video/podcasting, marketing, language proficiency
    • software development related: command line, version control: git/hg/svn/?, rpm/packaging, programming languages/frameworks/utilities, testing, infrastructure/sysadmin
  • your experience in communication platforms:

    • have you used mailing lists before?
    • what is your preferred real time chat platform?
  • how much time are you looking to/are you able to spend on volunteering (approximate hours per week)?

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