

The Fedora Join SIG lives here!


The Join SIG has the intended mission of assisting new contributors in finding out where their skillsets match with the FedoraProject's needs, and acting as ambassadors to introduce and mentor those new-comers to the vast array of options/teams/SIGs and offerings to contribute with the project.

                        Basic Workflow and Conventions:

Tutorials and Guides:

  • GPG Key generation tutorials, for creating and later using your gpg keys for a variety of uses even some which are external to Fedora

  • SSH Key generation tutorials, sample ssh config file for logging into FedoraProject Infra

  • A Intro email/wiki page template

Finding your way thru this repo:

This repo has been broken up to include several topical categories ranging the gammit of offerings within the project. The purpose here is two fold; First show how things tie into each other, and secondarily to provide some re-enforcement of other docs that can at times be older/or hard to locate and give new-comers and more senior mentor types to hone their skills/refresh ones less often used, respectively.

Brief Directory Explainations:

\\\\\ Next Steps: //////////

Find examples of things to do to either start your skillset refresh or start.

Typical things in this directory would be ssh/gpg key generation and management or modifying/debugging config files or sessions a contributor might/will use to facilate workflows or test code/patches.

\\\\\\\\\\\ Documentation Starters: //////////////////////

Find examples targeted towards Documentation and Localization duties.

Typical examples in this directory would be cloning a document in a vcs (namely git) and editing and compiling/making a functional document for review or publication, either to a small internal audience or the greater community user-base.

\\\\\\\\\ SysAdmin Starters: /////////////////

Find examples for tasks such as working on the infra easyfix and how to properly make proper edits and commits.

Typical examples in this directory would include quick/easy fix logic and test data for debugging monitoring or analytical monitoring tasks.

\\\\\\\\ Design Starters: ///////////////

Find examples of scaling and leveraging design tools and image formats to best suit a particular design initiative.