#74 Organise a set of classroom sessions specially focussed on prospective Ecudorian contributors
Closed: Invalid 2 years ago by ankursinha. Opened 5 years ago by ankursinha.

@jhoanir and I had a quick discussion about this. There are lots of students there that could turn into long term FOSS contributors with the right guidance, so we want to organise a set of sessions aimed especially at them. These sessions should be:

  • quite basic (newbie level)
  • in Spanish
  • over Jitsi or another video platform
  • at a time where the students are not taking their exams etc.

@jhoanir, please update this to include more requirements, and then we can begin working on this

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue tagged with: classroom, idea, task, team

5 years ago

Any updates on this @jhoanir ? We can help with the organisation, but you'll have to take the lead here and tell us what is needed as the person on the ground :)

Hi @ankursinha,

We are currently working with local groups to set up a recurring meeting. We need a couple of weeks until identify the knowledge points needed to cover in classroom program.

Hi @ankursinha,
We are currently working with local groups to set up a recurring meeting. We need a couple of weeks until identify the knowledge points needed to cover in classroom program.

OK. Awesome. Please let us know if we can help. I'm putting this ticket "on-hold" for the time being.

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue untagged with: idea, team
- Issue tagged with: on-hold

5 years ago

@jhoanir : how is it going? Are these needed yet?

Closing as stale, please re-open if required

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue close_status updated to: Invalid
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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