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Until #22 is being worked on, I suggest we resurrect the classic IRC based classroom sessions that we had in the past - so that we can get the ball rolling and so that we can begin to get people involved in the system.
Once we have the newer classroom worked out, we can phase this out and move to the new one!
Metadata Update from @ankursinha: - Issue assigned to ankursinha - Issue tagged with: WIP, easyfix, idea, task
Task to be done:
This page lists the different roles we need filled:
In short:
Task to be done: clean out wiki check out ML to see if its active
clean out wiki check out ML to see if its active
Done these two. Dropped an e-mail to the classroom mailing list too: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/classroom@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/Y5PHMVC3OO4TX3LOQUH7KCOWLDLSN5FD/
Requested a badge series for instructors: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/523
Metadata Update from @ankursinha: - Issue tagged with: classroom
Recommend closing 22 or this ticket OR marking one as blocked |duplicate of the other.
I'll close this when the first IRC classroom has gone through.
Up and running - should've closed this a while back!
Metadata Update from @ankursinha: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Metadata Update from @ankursinha: - Issue untagged with: WIP
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