#164 QA onboarding call
Closed: Invalid 4 years ago by alciregi. Opened 4 years ago by alciregi.

QA team is planning to host a series of onboarding calls.

The purpose of QA onboarding calls is to introduce people who are new to testing Fedora to our "way-of-life" here in Fedora QA.

Onboarding calls are planned sometime between September 30 and October 7, in both a BlueJeans (video) and IRC/Telegram (text) and they will be held in each format in the North/South America region, as well as the Europe/Africa/Asia/Australia region, in order to cover as much time zones as possible in suitable hours.

A survey has been created to figure out which day works best for the interested people.
The survey is here: https://forms.gle/DzP7q45Tfvv52BSz7

I'm involved in one of the IRC session (if I don't get really anxious :sweat_smile:)

QA team is on his path. A blog post will be written in the next days, etc.

The classroom team could be of any help here?
At least spreading the word as we already do for any community events that offer a way to contribute.
You have any other ideas?

Random ideas that have just come to me:

  • Magazine post: we're trying to convert users to contributors
  • tweet @fedora so that all its followers see it
  • forward to users ML
  • announce on AskFedora
  • announce on Fedora Telegram channel

Is this initiative still available????, Dead or, Etc...???



Is this initiative still available????, Dead or, Etc...???

No progress so far.
We can consider that as dead (for now).

Metadata Update from @alciregi:
- Issue close_status updated to: Invalid
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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