#163 Update all links to "join fedora" on the Fedora webspace to our new, simple landing page.
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by ankursinha. Opened 5 years ago by ankursinha.

Please list any pages that link to fp.o/wiki/Join or anything else about generally joining Fedora here. We'll need to update them.

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue marked as depending on: #161

5 years ago

I Will try to explain my idea:

For example, The web Page WCIDFF?

  • I would like to be enbasador ior wharever team.
  • Click on The link, this is for me.
  • Actually The web Page link to wiki join or something similar depende of The proyect.

The new behaviour Will be

  • Link to new join wiki for newcomers
  • Follow The join team process for mentoring



Link to new join wiki for newcomers
Follow The join team process for mentoring

Do you mean that for all the links of any team should point to welcome-to-fedora?

yes that is not the idea if I do not misunderstand, help all newcomers independent of the group that want to join


But, if I'm not wrong, the idea was also that it is not mandatory to go through the welcome-to-fedora process. If a newcomer it autonomous/confident enough to directly jump to the team he would like to contribute to, he can go directly to the team itself, without asking anything to fedora-join SIG.

uhmm that right

If a newcomer it autonomous/confident enough to directly jump to the team


Maybe, what it can be done is to more publicize the link to welcome-to-fedora.
I mean, maybe add it in every page. Like: are you unsure? do you need help? want to discuss? click here

@alciregi, there is a issues requesting by @ankursinha in 2016


Maybe we can bump this issue, and adding the newcomers workflow


Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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