#145 Language set up: Chinese
Closed: Fixed 5 years ago by ankursinha. Opened 5 years ago by ankursinha.

Community member in charge: @alick

Thanks for volunteering here @alick. Could you please translate the following category names and descriptions for us?

Where a translation does not fit, the category can be named "CATEGORY (LANGUAGE)".

When users join the language group, they will see categories like this:



Please use this category to make announcements to the Fedora community.

Announcements may include any information that you feel would be useful to others. However, please do not use this category for marketing/sharing unrelated information. Such posts are not welcome in any category and will be moderated.

Installing Fedora

Please use these sub-categories to ask questions about installing a new Fedora system.


Please use this sub-category to ask questions about installing a new Fedora system using standard installation methods listed on https://getfedora.org.


Please use this sub-category to ask questions related to advanced installations, such as automated installations, kickstarts, and so on.


Please use this sub-category to ask any questions related to hardware that come up during the installation of a new Fedora system such as support, drivers, features, and so on.

Customising a Fedora installation

Please use these sub-categories to ask questions about customising your Fedora installation to suit your needs.

This includes installing and removing software, devices, and any other modifications that you may want to make to your system to personalise it to your requirements.


Please use this sub-category for any customisation using general tools that are provide with Fedora.

For example, any questions related to the use of Fedora provided package managers (DNF, Gnome-software, dnfdragora) that are used to install software that is provided in the repositories fit this sub-category.

If you are making advanced changes using tools and software that are not provided by the Fedora community, please use the advanced sub-category.


Please use this sub-category to ask questions about making advanced changes to your Fedora installation.

This may include questions about installing software from source if it is not provided in the Fedora repositories, for example.

Using Fedora

Please use these sub-categories to ask any questions about using your Fedora installation.

On a Desktop

Please use this sub-category if you are using your Fedora installation on a Desktop/Laptop/Workstation type device.

On a server

Please use this sub-category if you are using Fedora product on your server hardware.

With Containers

Please use this sub-category if you are using Fedora with Container technology.

On the Cloud

Please use this sub-category if you are using Fedora with Cloud technology.

On other platforms

Please use this category if you are using Fedora on any other platform than the ones that the sub-categories target.

Upgrading a Fedora installation

Please use these sub-categories to ask questions about upgrading your Fedora installation to a new release.

Using DNF

Please use this sub-category to ask questions about upgrading to a new release using DNF, the default Fedora package manager.

More information on using DNF to upgrade your system to a new release can be found here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DNF_system_upgrade

Using other tools

Please use this category to ask questions about upgrading your Fedora installation to a new release using any tools other than DNF.

This includes Gnome-Software and other package managers provided by the different desktop environments that are provided in Fedora.


请使用这个版块向 Fedora (中文)社区发布公告。


安装 Fedora

请使用如下这些子版块就安装 Fedora 系统进行提问。


请使用这个子版块就使用 https://getfedora.org 上列出的标准安装方式安装 Fedora 系统进行提问。




请使用这个子版块就安装 Fedora 系统过程中出现的硬件相关问题(硬件支持、驱动、特性等)进行提问。

定制 Fedora

请使用如下这些子版块就定制安装好的 Fedora 系统以满足自身需求进行提问。



请使用这个子版块就使用 Fedora 提供的常用工具定制系统进行提问。

例如,有关使用 Fedora 提供的包管理器 (DNF, Gnome-software, dnfdragora) 安装软件仓库里提供的软件的任何问题,都属于此类。

如果您在使用非 Fedora 社区提供的工具和软件对系统做高级定制,请使用高级定制子版块。


请使用这个子版块就对您的 Fedora 系统做高级定制进行提问。

例如,这可以包括从源码安装 Fedora 软件仓库里没有的软件相关的问题。

使用 Fedora

请使用如下这些子版块就使用您安装的 Fedora 系统进行提问。


如果您是在台式机/笔记本电脑/工作站上安装使用 Fedora,请使用这个子版块。


如果您是在服务器硬件上安装使用 Fedora,请使用这个子版块。


如果您是在容器 (Container) 技术中使用 Fedora,请使用这个子版块。


如果您是在云计算环境中使用 Fedora,请使用这个子版块。


如果您是在上述平台以外的其他环境中使用 Fedora,请使用这个子版块。

升级 Fedora

请使用如下这些子版块就升级 Fedora 系统到新版本进行提问。

使用 DNF

请使用这个子版块就使用 Fedora 默认的包管理器 DNF 升级 Fedora 进行提问。

有关使用 DNF 升级系统的更多信息参见 https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DNF_system_upgrade


请使用这个子版块就使用除 DNF 外的其他工具升级 Fedora 进行提问。

这包括 Gnome-Software 以及 Fedora 提供的其他桌面环境中的其他包管理器。

Above is the translation in Simplified Chinese. I'm not sure how the new site will handle Simplified and Traditional Chinese. If we need distinct Traditional Chinese categories, I'll find someone who is native in that for help.

How common are simplified and traditional chinese? Do users of one understand the other? If so, we can just keep one version. Can you please login to askbeta and try a test post in chinese to see how that looks?

We're tweaking the categories a bit most probably, so I'll paste an updated version of the new ones for translation when we get that done.

If you can let me know when you've logged in, I'll upgrade your user to a moderator.

I think we should distinguish between Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

I am very willing to be a facilitator of traditional Chinese translation, and there are related translation groups on the telegram.

How common are simplified and traditional chinese? Do users of one understand the other? If so, we can just keep one version.

Users of one generally understand the other for the most part. But I'm fine with two separate (sub)categories if the community wants.

Can you please login to askbeta and try a test post in chinese to see how that looks?

This is confusing to me. Which category should I post to?

We're tweaking the categories a bit most probably, so I'll paste an updated version of the new ones for translation when we get that done.

Sure, please update the pagure issue by then.

If you can let me know when you've logged in, I'll upgrade your user to a moderator.

I've already logged in with my FAS, alick.

Whats the demand for both languages? I.e., are there enough users of both
languages to merit two separate categories in the long term?

On Thu, 28 Mar 2019, 02:35 Zhao Tao, pagure@pagure.io wrote:

alick added a new comment to an issue you are following:

How common are simplified and traditional chinese? Do users of one
understand the other? If so, we can just keep one version.

Users of one generally understand the other for the most part. But I'm
fine with two separate (sub)categories if the community wants.

Yes, but if we can make do with one category, then maintaining two is just
extra maintenance work in the short and long terms.

Can you please login to askbeta and try a test post in chinese to see
how that looks?

This is confusing to me. Which category should I post to?

Use the "site feedback" category? The post can always be deleted later.

We're tweaking the categories a bit most probably, so I'll paste an
updated version of the new ones for translation when we get that done.

Sure, please update the pagure issue by then.

Will do.

If you can let me know when you've logged in, I'll upgrade your user to
a moderator.

I've already logged in with my FAS, alick.

Great. Ill upgrade you to a mod in a bit.

I agree with penguinf. The same already exist in general translations, on https://join.fedoraproject.org, and elsewhere, except that the two variants are more often distinguished as "Chinese (Mainland China)" vs " Chinese (Taiwan)" which is where simplified and traditional Chinese are used respectively. Also, if this is intended to replace "off-site" communities (such as https://fedora-tw.org/), then the two needs to be distinguished in a similar manner.

It isnt meant to replace any offsite communities. It's merely a replacement
for the current askfedora. Questions:

  • do we have any usage statistics on local chinese forums for either
  • do we have at least two active community members who are ready to commit
    time to managing and moderating these language categories for the long term?

Judging by usage on current Ask Fedora site (and experience), both
communities is not large. I prefer to have just one category, which
means a larger, more active community, and easier maintenance. BTW it
has been the way we are doing with G+, Facebook, twitter, Fedora Wiki,
IRC, mailing list, albeit partially since on some of the platforms
there is a separate tw community.

(On the other hand, I'm OK with having two categories.)

https://fedora-tw.org poses an interesting challenge here. It is looks
active and it is also based on Discourse. If there is going to be a
Traditional Chinese category on the new Ask Fedora, what will be the
future of fedora-tw.org? Without migration, it is likely to be the
same group of people having two forums. I think we need to involve
admins of fedora-tw.org in the discussion.

There is no such issue for e.g. Simplified Chinese and mainland China,
since there are no active "off-site" Fedora forums now (that I know
of). A lot existed, and then disappeared.

How about a single Chinese category on askbeta, and keeping
fedora-tw.org in place? All Chinese-speaking Fedora users can and are
welcome to use the former, while the Taiwan community members can
continue to use fedora-tw.org if they prefer?

Hi, I’m one of the administrators of fedora taiwan forum which is based on Discourse.

People in Taiwan don’t learn simplified Chinese from the official educational system, thus they have to learn themselves. It is forbidden to write simplified Chinese in schools. People who can read simplified Chinese mostly learn when at universities. So, It is better to separate simplified and traditional Chinese or there will be some discriminatory issues for people who don’t want to or have no chance to learn simplified Chinese in Taiwan.

It is fine to have a traditional Chinese category on the site besides fedora-tw.org, because we have low traffic on local forum and it is not treated as an Askbot alternative. We set up the local forum to share some news or local activities.

We can easily find more than 2 persons to moderate the posts, there won’t be any problem here.

Thanks zerng07. Let's go with separate Simplified/Traditional Chinese
categories then. Moderation man power is not an issue for either.

I do have a bit concern about how to (clearly) divide the discussions
between new Ask Fedora and fedora-tw.org, given they are so similar.
But that is another issue.

On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 6:39 AM Cheng-Chia Tseng pagure@pagure.io wrote:

zerng07 added a new comment to an issue you are following:
Hi, I=E2=80=99m one of the administrators of fedora taiwan forum which is=
based on Discourse.

People in Taiwan don=E2=80=99t learn simplified Chinese from the official=
educational system, thus they have to learn themselves. It is forbidden to=
write simplified Chinese. People who can read simplified Chinese mostly le=
arn when at universities. So, It is better to separate simplified and tradi=
tional Chinese or there will be some discriminatory issues for people who d=
on=E2=80=99t want to learn simplified Chinese in Taiwan.

It is fine to have a traditional Chinese category on the site besides fed=
ora-tw.org, because we have low traffic on local forum and it is not treate=
d as an Askbot alternative. We set up the local forum to share some news or=
local activities.

We can easily find more than 2 persons to moderate the posts, there won=
=E2=80=99t be any problem here.

To reply, visit the link below or just reply to this email

Thanks zerng07. Let's go with separate Simplified/Traditional Chinese
categories then. Moderation man power is not an issue for either.
I do have a bit concern about how to (clearly) divide the discussions
between new Ask Fedora and fedora-tw.org, given they are so similar.
But that is another issue.

So, setting up language categories is not much of an issue. @zerng07 : would you like to keep fedora-tw going, or would you like a category for traditional chinese too? It would probably be nicer to have everything in one place?

@alick: I'll open a new ticket for simplified chinese once we have the categories all nailed down etc. Does that sound OK?

On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 11:02 AM Ankur Sinha pagure@pagure.io wrote:

ankursinha added a new comment to an issue you are following:

Thanks zerng07. Let's go with separate Simplified/Traditional Chinese
categories then. Moderation man power is not an issue for either.
I do have a bit concern about how to (clearly) divide the discussions
between new Ask Fedora and fedora-tw.org, given they are so similar.
But that is another issue.

So, setting up language categories is not much of an issue. @zerng07 : would you like to keep fedora-tw going, or would you like a category for traditional chinese too? It would probably be nicer to have everything in one place?

@alick: I'll open a new ticket for simplified chinese once we have the categories all nailed down etc. Does that sound OK?

Sure, no problem.

To reply, visit the link below or just reply to this email

@alick : tracking this on askfedora itself now: https://askbeta.fedoraproject.org/t/new-language-setup-simplified-chinese/177

@zerng07 : any updates on whether the community would like to use askfedora or remain on your discourse instance?

After exchanging ideas with main local members, we would like to use askfedora for users to ask questions, and keep our local forum for posts for sharing experience, announcing news, hosting local events, and developing the local community, just like the way we do now for separating askfedora from discussions Discourse instance.

Thus, we would like to have a category for traditional chinese too on askfedora.

@ankursinha hey, do you think this is something similar https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/97
and we can join forces to pull these efforts?

It's worth discussing, but I dont know to be honest. We're not working on
translations apart from the one or two bits that we think would make it
easier for users of different languages to use the new askbeta. We dont
have the bandwidth to expand this to general translation efforts. I think
at most, we could support the i18n team by using the new instance to try
and attract more contributions for them and so on but they will need a core
team to lead the primary effort.

(We've supported quick docs too, but again, we only had the bandwidth to do
what was needed to set up askbeta.)

Metadata Update from @ankursinha:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

Thus, we would like to have a category for traditional chinese too on askfedora.

I seemed to have missed this. @zerng07 could you please log in to ask.fp.o and message me so we can get get this set up too?

Thus, we would like to have a category for traditional chinese too on askfedora.

I seemed to have missed this. @zerng07 could you please log in to ask.fp.o and message me so we can get get this set up too?

Sure! I just logged in yesterday.
Please guide me through the later steps for our local community. Thanks! :)

@ankursinha I just noted I cannot directly message you on ask.fp.o, maybe too new to the forum.

Please login to ask again. You should have a few notifications :)

Lets communicate in the lounge channel there so that the whole team can
participate. Thanks again, and sorry it took so long.

Log in to comment on this ticket.

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