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The Gol of this IDea is to show the USer that Fedora isn't just and O.S that install use it and Done.
The Principal Point here are :
* Gnome (Icons, Themes) Default * Shell * Bash (Costumize a Beautiful Prompt powerline, vim-powerline, tmux-powerline) * Zsh (Costumize Prompt , [.oh-my-ssh](https://ohmyz.sh/) * Tmux (Terminal Multiplexor) * Basic CLI * VIm -> (Convert VIm in a powerfull IDE Editor , [SpaceVim](https://spacevim.org/) * GIT -> some customization tools live in git (some usefull command git pull etc.,) * Etc...
Depending on : #117 , #77, #76
This is and Example :
I write an article adapt use it as your needs -> Customize your terminal in zsh and look like a PROFESIONAL
without powerline and all that stuff...
This is my shell over zsh...
<img alt="zsh.png" src="/fedora-join/Fedora-Join/issue/raw/files/76baf5706306ffac910bad24ee7c177800960ac15f4ff9dded8f93cf646175e1-zsh.png" />
Metadata Update from @linuxmodder: - Issue assigned to linuxmodder
Metadata Update from @linuxmodder: - Issue priority set to: Normal - Issue set to the milestone: F29
1) Do you have a planned idea of when to start this class? Looks like mid Feb 2019 is the earliest that would be available
2) Not seeing anything that indicates a possible promotion article do you have one ready/willing to get one made up?
3) You mention 6 separate topics for this series, (not counting the types of shell env separately), do you have any idea on what order planned? I see a use-case for having some of the shell stuff in place PRIOR to the Gnome stuff in the event a tweak goes stupid on a user so they have soem familiarity with the shell they will undoubtedly be presented with at that point.
Metadata Update from @ankursinha: - Issue set to the milestone: None (was: F29)
@hhlp any news?
it seems someone have the same ideas I'm .... :wine_glass:
https://fedoramagazine.org/tuning-your-bash-or-zsh-shell-in-workstation-and-silverblue/ https://fedoramagazine.org/set-zsh-fedora-system/ https://fedoramagazine.org/manage-your-shell-environment/
https://fedoramagazine.org/tweaking-the-look-of-fedora-workstation-with-themes/ https://fedoramagazine.org/howto-change-the-plymouth-theme/ https://fedoramagazine.org/dash-dock-extenstion/
Great Job Fedora Magazine TEAM :100:
Metadata Update from @hhlp: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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