#83 Splitting user-facing and WG docs
Closed 2 years ago by pbrobinson. Opened 2 years ago by bcotton.

The Docs team would like to explore separating the docs for IoT users and IoT contributors. We're willing to help if you're okay with it.

The idea is that it will make it easier for folks to find what they're looking for and not be confused by stuff they don't need.

Yep, I'm OK with that.

Also on my list is to move to docs to the fedora-iot github instance as that's where most things now happen so it would make it easier for others to find. Would this split in docs all be in the same git repo or would it be split?

Would this split in docs all be in the same git repo or would it be split?

That's up to you. We could either do separate repos or have multiple Antora modules within the same repo.

I think the multiple modules approach is best, unless you want strict ACLs that are different between the two sets of content.

Moving to GitHub is a good opportunity. We can made the splits in the GitHub repo and keep the published docs pulling from Pagure until we're ready to go with the split.

I think the multiple modules approach is best, unless you want strict ACLs that are different between the two sets of content.

I think a single git repo with multiple modules sounds sane

Moving to GitHub is a good opportunity. We can made the splits in the GitHub repo and keep the published docs pulling from Pagure until we're ready to go with the split.

OK, let me know when you want me to import a copy into github and we can get that happening.

Metadata Update from @pbrobinson:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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