#6765 Remove bugzilla/bz-make-components.py
Merged 6 years ago by kevin. Opened 6 years ago by crobinso.
crobinso/fedora-infrastructure remove-bugzilla-sync  into  master

@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/usr/bin/python -tt

- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

- #

- # Copyright © 2008  Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.

- #

- # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,

- # copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU

- # General Public License v.2.  This program is distributed in the hope that it

- # will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the


- # See the GNU General Public License for more details.  You should have

- # received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;

- # if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,

- # Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are

- # incorporated in the source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU

- # General Public License and may only be used or replicated with the express

- # permission of Red Hat, Inc.

- #

- # Red Hat Author(s): Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>

- #                    Toshio Kuratomi <tkuratom@redhat.com>

- #


- import sys

- import urllib2

- import getopt

- import xmlrpclib

- from email.Message import Message

- import smtplib


- # Set this to the production bugzilla account when we're ready to go live

- BZSERVER = 'https://bugdev.devel.redhat.com/bugzilla-cvs/xmlrpc.cgi'

- #BZSERVER = 'https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi'

- #BZSERVER = 'https://bzprx.vip.phx.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi'

- BZUSER='<%= bzAdminUser %>'

- BZPASS='<%= bzAdminPassword %>'


- DRY_RUN = True


- class Bugzilla(object):

-     def __init__(self, bzServer, username, password):

-         self.productCache = {}

-         self.bzXmlRpcServer = bzServer

-         self.username = username

-         self.password = password


-         self.server = xmlrpclib.Server(bzServer)


-     def add_edit_component(self, package, collection, owner, description,

-             qacontact=None, cclist=None):

-         '''Add or updatea component to have the values specified.

-         '''

-         initialCCList = [p.lower() for p in cclist] or list()


-         # Lookup product

-         try:

-             product = self.productCache[collection]

-         except KeyError:

-             product = {}

-             try:

-                 components = self.server.bugzilla.getProdCompDetails(collection,

-                                 self.username, self.password)

-             except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:

-                 # Output something useful in args

-                 e.args = (e.faultCode, e.faultString)

-                 raise

-             except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:

-                 e.args = ('ProtocolError', e.errcode, e.errmsg)

-                 raise


-             # This changes from the form:

-             #   {'component': 'PackageName',

-             #   'initialowner': 'OwnerEmail',

-             #   'initialqacontact': 'QAContactEmail',

-             #   'description': 'One sentence summary'}

-             # to:

-             #   product['packagename'] = {'component': 'PackageName',

-             #     'initialowner': 'OwnerEmail',

-             #     'initialqacontact': 'QAContactEmail',

-             #     'description': 'One sentenct summary'}

-             # This allows us to check in a case insensitive manner for the

-             # package.

-             for record in components:

-                 record['component'] = unicode(record['component'], 'utf-8')

-                 try:

-                     record['description'] = unicode(record['description'], 'utf-8')

-                 except TypeError:

-                     try:

-                         record['description'] = unicode(record['description'].data, 'utf-8')

-                     except:

-                         record['description'] = None

-                 product[record['component'].lower()] = record


-             self.productCache[collection] = product


-         pkgKey = package.lower()

-         if pkgKey in product:

-             # edit the package information

-             data = {}


-             # Grab bugzilla email for things changable via xmlrpc

-             owner = owner.lower()

-             if qacontact:

-                 qacontact = qacontact.lower()

-             else:

-                 qacontact = 'extras-qa@fedoraproject.org'


-             # Check for changes to the owner, qacontact, or description

-             if product[pkgKey]['initialowner'] != owner:

-                 data['initialowner'] = owner


-             if product[pkgKey]['description'] != description:

-                 data['description'] = description

-             if product[pkgKey]['initialqacontact'] != qacontact and (

-                     qacontact or product[pkgKey]['initialqacontact']):

-                 data['initialqacontact'] = qacontact


-             if len(product[pkgKey]['initialcclist']) != len(initialCCList):

-                 data['initialcclist'] = initialCCList

-             else:

-                 for ccMember in product[pkgKey]['initialcclist']:

-                     if ccMember not in initialCCList:

-                         data['initialcclist'] = initialCCList

-                         break


-             if data:

-                 ### FIXME: initialowner has been made mandatory for some

-                 # reason.  Asking dkl why.

-                 data['initialowner'] = owner


-                 # Changes occurred.  Submit a request to change via xmlrpc

-                 data['product'] = collection

-                 data['component'] = product[pkgKey]['component']

-                 if DRY_RUN:

-                     for key in data:

-                         if isinstance(data[key], basestring):

-                             data[key] = data[key].encode('ascii', 'replace')

-                     print '[EDITCOMP] Changing via editComponent(%s, %s, "xxxxx")' % (

-                             data, self.username)

-                     print '[EDITCOMP] Former values: %s|%s|%s' % (

-                             product[pkgKey]['initialowner'],

-                             product[pkgKey]['description'].encode('ascii', 'replace'),

-                             product[pkgKey]['initialqacontact'])

-                 else:

-                     try:

-                         self.server.bugzilla.editComponent(data, self.username,

-                                 self.password)

-                     except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:

-                         # Output something useful in args

-                         e.args = (data, e.faultCode, e.faultString)

-                         raise

-                     except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:

-                         e.args = ('ProtocolError', e.errcode, e.errmsg)

-                         raise

-         else:

-             # Add component

-             owner = owner.lower()

-             if qacontact:

-                 qacontact = qacontact

-             else:

-                 qacontact = 'extras-qa@fedoraproject.org'


-             data = {'product': collection,

-                 'component': package,

-                 'description': description,

-                 'initialowner': owner,

-                 'initialqacontact': qacontact}

-             if initialCCList:

-                 data['initialcclist'] = initialCCList


-             if DRY_RUN:

-                 for key in data:

-                     if isinstance(data[key], basestring):

-                         data[key] = data[key].encode('ascii', 'replace')

-                 print '[ADDCOMP] Adding new component AddComponent:(%s, %s, "xxxxx")' % (

-                         data, self.username)

-             else:

-                 try:

-                     self.server.bugzilla.addComponent(data, self.username,

-                             self.password)

-                 except xmlrpclib.Fault, e:

-                     # Output something useful in args

-                     e.args = (data, e.faultCode, e.faultString)

-                     raise


- def parseOwnerFile(url, warnings):

-     pkgInfo = []

-     ownerFile = urllib2.urlopen(url)

-     for line in ownerFile:

-         line = unicode(line, 'utf-8').strip()

-         if not line or line[0] == '#':

-             continue

-         pieces = line.split('|')

-         try:

-             product, component, summary, owner, qa = pieces[:5]

-         except:

-             warnings.append('%s: Invalid line %s' % (url, line))


-         owners = owner.split(',')

-         owner = owners[0]

-         cclist = owners[1:] or []

-         if not owner:

-             warnings.append('%s: No owner in line %s' % (url, line))

-             continue


-         if len(pieces) > 5 and pieces[5].strip():

-             for person in pieces[5].strip().split(','):

-                 cclist.append(person.strip())


-         if product != 'Fedora' and not product.startswith('Fedora '):

-             warnings.append('%s: Invalid product %s in line %s' %

-                     (url, product, line))

-             continue

-         pkgInfo.append({'product': product, 'component': component,

-             'owner': owner, 'summary': summary, 'qa': qa, 'cclist': cclist})


-     return pkgInfo


- def send_email(fromAddress, toAddress, subject, message):

-     '''Send an email if there's an error.


-     This will be replaced by sending messages to a log later.

-     '''

-     msg = Message()

-     msg.add_header('To', toAddress)

-     msg.add_header('From', fromAddress)

-     msg.add_header('Subject', subject)

-     msg.set_payload(message)

-     smtp = smtplib.SMTP('bastion')

-     smtp.sendmail(fromAddress, [toAddress], msg.as_string())

-     smtp.quit()


- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ('usage', 'help'))

-     if len(args) < 1 or ('--usage','') in opts or ('--help','') in opts:

-         print """Usage: bz-make-components.py URL1 [URL2]...


- This script takes URLs to files in owners.list format and makes changes in

- bugzilla to reflect the ownership of bugzilla products that are listed there.

- """

-         sys.exit(1)


-     # Initialize connection to bugzilla

-     bugzilla = Bugzilla(BZSERVER, BZUSER, BZPASS)


-     warnings = []

-     # Iterate through the files in the argument list.  Grab the owner

-     # information from each one and construct bugzilla information from it.

-     pkgData = []

-     for url in args:

-         pkgData.extend(parseOwnerFile(url, warnings))


-     for pkgInfo in pkgData:

-         try:

-             bugzilla.add_edit_component(pkgInfo['component'],

-                             pkgInfo['product'], pkgInfo['owner'],

-                             pkgInfo['summary'], pkgInfo['qa'],

-                             pkgInfo['cclist'])

-         except ValueError, e:

-             # A username didn't have a bugzilla address

-             warnings.append(str(e.args))

-         except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e:

-             # Unrecoverable and likely means that nothing is going to

-             # succeed.

-             warnings.append(str(e.args))

-             break

-         except xmlrpclib.Error, e:

-             # An error occurred in the xmlrpc call.  Shouldn't happen but

-             # we better see what it is

-             warnings.append(str(e.args))


-     if warnings:

-         #print '[DEBUG]', '\n'.join(warnings)

-         send_email('accounts@fedoraproject.org', 'a.badger@gmail.com',

-                 'Errors while syncing bugzilla with owners.list',

- '''

- The following errors were encountered while updating bugzilla with information

- from owners.list files.  Please have the problem taken care of:


- %s

- ''' % ('\n\n'.join(warnings),))


-     sys.exit(0)

This seems like an old old version of pkgdb-sync-bugzilla1. It most
definitely does not work anymore since many of the referenced APIs
were renamed by rhbz years ago. It hasn't been touched in near 10 years.

I realize this repo doesn't get many updates, but this script gave me a bit of pause
when searching for fedora infra users of bugzilla APIs, so for me at least it's worth

@nirik will confirm or contest, but I'm not sure we're using much of what is in this repo anymore these days.

Most of the tooling we use is at: https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ansible.git/

Yeah, so this repo here was created back when we used puppet and our puppet repo was 100% private and people couldn't see it. So, we published also things here so people could see them and contribute. I''m fine removing this, but it's not the script we use at all.

As @pingou noted, that is in the ansible repo.

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

6 years ago