#9269 Fedora Messaging Certs for CentOS Stream alt-src
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by kevin. Opened 3 years ago by bstinson.

Describe what you would like us to do:

We'd like to send messages to fedora-messaging from alt-src: https://github.com/release-engineering/alt-src

Can we generate certificates for staging and production? I can find a way to get these securely for use on the alt-src machines.

When do you need this to be done by?

This week would be nice, but certainly not required

/cc: @siteshwar

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: low-trouble, medium-gain, ops

3 years ago


The key and certs are in your home dir on batcave01 in alt-src-certs/

Let us know if you need anything further.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

@kevin We tried the certificate that you shared with us. We are able to verify it through openssl client with this command:

[centos@svashisht-test7 fedora_messaging]$ openssl s_client -connect rabbitmq.stg.fedoraproject.org:5671 -cert /etc/fedora-messaging/alt-src.stg.crt -key /etc/fedora-messaging/alt-src.stg.key -CAfile /etc/fedora-messaging/stg-cacert.pem -debug

however it does not work with fedora_messaging. Below is our config.toml and output of fedora-messaging --conf config.toml consume:

[centos@svashisht-test7 fedora-messaging]$ cat config.toml
# A basic configuration for Fedora's staging message broker, using the example
# callback which simply prints messages to standard output.
# This file is in the TOML format.
amqp_url = "amqps://alt-src.stg:@rabbitmq.stg.fedoraproject.org/%2Fpublic_pubsub"
callback = "fedora_messaging.example:printer"

# ca_cert = "/etc/fedora-messaging/stg-cacert.pem"
# keyfile = "/etc/fedora-messaging/fedora.stg-key.pem"
# certfile = "/etc/fedora-messaging/fedora.stg-cert.pem"

ca_cert = "/etc/fedora-messaging/stg-cacert.pem"
keyfile = "/etc/fedora-messaging/alt-src.stg.key"
certfile = "/etc/fedora-messaging/alt-src.stg.crt"

app = "Example Application"
# Some suggested extra fields:
# URL of the project that provides this consumer
app_url = "https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-messaging"
# Contact emails for the maintainer(s) of the consumer - in case the
# broker admin needs to contact them, for e.g.
app_contacts_email = ["jcline@fedoraproject.org"]

type = "topic"
durable = true
auto_delete = false
arguments = {}

# Queue names *must* be in the normal UUID format: run "uuidgen" and use the
# output as your queue name. If your queue is not exclusive, anyone can connect
# and consume from it, causing you to miss messages, so do not share your queue
# name. Any queues that are not auto-deleted on disconnect are garbage-collected
# after approximately one hour.
# If you require a stronger guarantee about delivery, please talk to Fedora's
# Infrastructure team.
durable = false
auto_delete = true
exclusive = true
arguments = {}

queue = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
exchange = "amq.topic"
routing_keys = ["#"]  # Set this to the specific topics you are interested in.

example_key = "for my consumer"

prefetch_size = 0
prefetch_count = 25

version = 1
disable_existing_loggers = true

format = "[%(levelname)s %(name)s] %(message)s"

class = "logging.StreamHandler"
formatter = "simple"
stream = "ext://sys.stdout"

level = "INFO"
propagate = false
handlers = ["console"]

level = "INFO"
propagate = false
handlers = ["console"]

level = "INFO"
propagate = false
handlers = ["console"]

# If your consumer sets up a logger, you must add a configuration for it
# here in order for the messages to show up. e.g. if it set up a logger
# called 'example_printer', you could do:
#level = "INFO"
#propagate = false
#handlers = ["console"]

level = "ERROR"
handlers = ["console"]

[centos@svashisht-test7 fedora-messaging]$ fedora-messaging --conf config.toml consume
[INFO fedora_messaging.cli] Starting consumer with fedora_messaging.example:printer callback
[INFO fedora_messaging.twisted.service] Authenticating with server using x509 (certfile: /etc/fedora-messaging/alt-src.stg.crt, keyfile: /etc/fedora-messaging/alt-src.stg.key)
[INFO twisted] Starting factory FedoraMessagingFactoryV2(parameters=<URLParameters host=rabbitmq.stg.fedoraproject.org port=5671 virtual_host=/public_pubsub ssl=True>, confirms=True)
[ERROR pika.adapters.twisted_connection] connection_lost: VerificationError(errors=[DNSMismatch(mismatched_id=DNS_ID(hostname='rabbitmq.stg.fedoraproject.org'))])
[INFO pika.connection] AMQP stack terminated, failed to connect, or aborted: opened=False, error-arg=VerificationError(errors=[DNSMismatch(mismatched_id=DNS_ID(hostname='rabbitmq.stg.fedoraproject.org'))]); pending-error=None
[INFO pika.connection] Connection setup terminated due to VerificationError(errors=[DNSMismatch(mismatched_id=DNS_ID(hostname='rabbitmq.stg.fedoraproject.org'))])
[ERROR fedora_messaging.cli] The TCP connection appears to have started, but the TLS or AMQP handshake with the broker failed; check your connection and authentication parameters and ensure your user has permission to access the vhost
[INFO twisted] <twisted.internet.tcp.Connector instance at 0x7fb5d2c8d0e0 disconnected IPv4Address(type='TCP', host=u'rabbitmq.stg.fedoraproject.org', port=5671)> will retry in 2 seconds
[INFO twisted] Stopping factory FedoraMessagingFactoryV2(parameters=<URLParameters host=rabbitmq.stg.fedoraproject.org port=5671 virtual_host=/public_pubsub ssl=True>, confirms=True)
[INFO twisted] Main loop terminated.

Do you see any issues with config.toml ? Is the username alt-src.stg correct in our configurations ?

First of all, are you listening for messages or only sending messages?
If the later, then you can simplify your configuration file quite a bit! See https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/ansible/blob/master/f/roles/batcave/templates/batcave-messaging.toml as an example configuration file that is used for only sending notifications.

If you want to listen for messages on the bus there are a few things to adjust in your configuration file:

The name of the queue must start with the username, so in your case you should have something like:




You probably also do not want to register your queue to listen to every single message on the bus, ie: you want to adjust routing_keys = ["#"] to something more plausible.

Also, have the user and queue be created on the server? This is done in our ansible repo, see for example: https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/ansible/blob/master/f/roles/rabbitmq_cluster/tasks/apps.yml which creates users and queues for application that aren't deployed in our infrastructure/ansible repo but use our rabbitmq cluster.

Also, have the user and queue be created on the server? This is done in our ansible repo, see for example: https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/ansible/blob/master/f/roles/rabbitmq_cluster/tasks/apps.yml which creates users and queues for application that aren't deployed in our infrastructure/ansible repo but use our rabbitmq cluster.

I am not aware about this. @kevin Can you answer this ?

Yes, you will at least need a user and likely a queue.

We can add them as @pingou says...

@kevin Thanks! Name of the user and queue should be alt-src.stg. I opened another ticket for this https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9307

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ops Status: Done