In order to make the koji db more performant, I moved the vm from 32 to 120gb memory last weekend.
Then, I tried to adjust postgresql options several times.
Currently the normal performance is just fine, but when a pg_dump runs the load on the db server goes from 15-20 to 150 and performance of the web app goes way down.
We did discover today an odd breakage in multipath (it's multipathing to a single disk in the array). This may be related to the issues.
At 21UTC today we are going to try and fix the multipath issue and tune things again to get dumps working moving forward. We hope to do this without causing any outages.
Don't know if related, today, starting around 14:15 UTC the page took in average 45 seconds to load for me. This behavior is still present. I consider that time much slower than usual.
@codeblock looked into this last night and found several of the pages have poorly performing (aka wat???) queries with multiple joins which seem to be taking a very long time to process now. There was a slight schema change between 1.17 and 1.18 which may be the cause of this.. or we have been very very lucky for a while and now it is not.
Currently we are going to need a koji developer and someone with dba chops to figure out why this is happening.. as the dump should not be doing anything which would cause this.
Are the problematic queries and plans available? If so, @tkopecek may be able to provide guidance is the last db backup we have that completed (excluding the sessions table).
The dumps get to the buildroot_listing table when the load goes up. That table is 203 GB in size. ;( is our config is the host config.
Happy to provide any further info or try things...
I do see some old locks while running a dump. All accesssharelocks tho.
datname | relation | transactionid | mode | granted | usename |
query | query_start | age | pid
---------+---------------------------------------------+---------------+--------------------------+ ---------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-- -----------------------------+------------------+------- koji | pg_ts_config_oid_index | | AccessShareLock | t | postgres | COPY public.buildroot_listing (buildroot_id, rpm_id, is_update) TO stdout;
| 2
019-10-12 17:11:41.319834+00 | 02:42:32.160655 | 18185 koji | build_notifications_block | | AccessShareLock | t | postgres | COPY public.buildroot_listing (buildroot_id, rpm_id, is_update) TO stdout;
019-10-12 17:11:41.319834+00 | 02:42:32.160655 | 18185 koji | lock_monitor.transaction_locks | | AccessShareLock | t | postgres | COPY public.buildroot_listing (buildroot_id, rpm_id, is_update) TO stdout;
019-10-12 17:11:41.319834+00 | 02:42:32.160655 | 18185 koji | pg_attrdef_adrelid_adnum_index | | AccessShareLock | t | postgres | COPY public.buildroot_listing (buildroot_id, rpm_id, is_update) TO stdout;
019-10-12 17:11:41.319834+00 | 02:42:32.160655 | 18185
So although #8293 was closed as a duplicate of this bug, now f31/f30 newrepo does not appear for more than 210 min (as of 2019-10-14 10:10 UTC = 19:10 JST) after I submitted override request, and I cannot proceed further builds. And f32 newrepo does not appeare for more than 150 min.
Can't there be any immediate workaround for newrepo issue regardless of the status of this bug?
Anyone with 'admin' or 'repo' privs can trigger newRepo task manually. Nevertheless, it seems, that kojira is maybe not running at all? But yes, it could be also those ultra-slow queries.
@kevin Do you've some listing of long-running queries? Or pg plans for them?
Also some queries in koji require exclusive locks, which can interfere with pg_dump, theoretically causing deadlocks. It should be visible in long-running queries log.
I've stopped the current dump, so things should go back to more normal. kojira is definitely running, it's just not firing off newrepo tasks because of the database dump.
We are currently not logging any queries, can put that in place later today.
I'm going to try:
log_lock_waits = on log_statement = 'all' log_rotation_size = 10000
but that might swamp us in logs... Any suggestions on how we should best set logging here?
Oh, one other curious thing: pg_top notes:
DB activity: 74 tps, 190 rollbs/s, 2381 buffer r/s, 99 hit%, 313591 row r/s, 160 row w/s
should we really be seeing that many rollbacks per second? is there some common path thing that does rollbacks in normal operation?
ok, we have put in some long query logging and I have started another dump to show the issue.
so far we are seeing a lot of:
LOG: process 21131 acquired ShareLock on transaction 3337332504 after 2769.780 ms CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."sessions" x WHERE "id" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1 FOR SHARE OF x" STATEMENT: UPDATE sessions SET expired=TRUE,exclusive=NULL WHERE id = 75626281 OR master = 75626281
(of course where the id and master and transaction are different, but the statement is the same form.
We do have close to 100k sessions:
93419 (1 row)
We have also seen a number of these:
LOG: duration: 11500.139 ms statement: SELECT buildroot.container_arch, buildroot.br_type, buildroot.cg_id, , buildroot.cg_version, buildroot.container_arch, buildroot.container_type,, creat e_events.time, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM create_events.time), buildroot.extra, buildroot.host_arch, host.i d,, buildroot.host_os,, buildroot_listing.is_update,, repo_cr eate.time,, repo.state,, retire_events.time, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM retire_eve nts.time), standard_buildroot.state,,, standard_buildroot.task_id FROM buildroot JOIN buildroot_listing ON = buildroot_listing.buildroot_id LEFT OUTER JOIN standard_buildroot ON standard_buildroot.buildroot_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN content_generator ON buildroot.cg_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN host ON = standard_buildroot.host_id LEFT OUTER JOIN repo ON = standard_buildroot.repo_id LEFT OUTER JOIN tag ON = repo.tag_id LEFT OUTER JOIN events AS create_events ON = standard_buildroot.create_e vent LEFT OUTER JOIN events AS retire_events ON standard_buildroot.retire_event = retire_event LEFT OUTER JOIN events AS repo_create ON = repo.create_event WHERE (buildroot_listing.rpm_id = 13571464) ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 50
I expect when we hit the slowness we should see a lot of stuff logging waiting for locks...
BTW, I think the ROLLBACK's we are seeing are from:
Another really slow one:
LOG: duration: 509550.809 ms statement: SELECT task.arch, task.awaited, task.channel_id, task.completion_time, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM completion_time), task.create_time, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM create_time), task.host_id,, task.label, task.method, task.owner,, users.usertype, task.parent, task.priority, task.request, task.result, task.start_time, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM task.start_time), task.state, task.waiting, task.weight FROM task LEFT JOIN users ON task.owner = WHERE (method = 'createLiveCD') AND (state IN (2)) ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 50
Now tons of these:
LOG: duration: 11852.985 ms statement: SELECT buildroot.container_arch, buildroot.br_type, buildroot.cg_id, , buildroot.cg_version, buildroot.container_arch, buildroot.container_type,, creat e_events.time, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM create_events.time), buildroot.extra, buildroot.host_arch, host.i d,, buildroot.host_os,,, repo_create.time,, repo.stat e,, retire_events.time, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM retire_events.time), standard_buildroot .state,,, standard_buildroot.task_id FROM buildroot LEFT OUTER JOIN standard_buildroot ON standard_buildroot.buildroot_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN content_generator ON buildroot.cg_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN host ON = standard_buildroot.host_id LEFT OUTER JOIN repo ON = standard_buildroot.repo_id LEFT OUTER JOIN tag ON = repo.tag_id LEFT OUTER JOIN events AS create_events ON = standard_buildroot.create_e vent LEFT OUTER JOIN events AS retire_events ON standard_buildroot.retire_event = retire_event LEFT OUTER JOIN events AS repo_create ON = repo.create_event WHERE ( = 287) AND (standard_buildroot.state IN (0, 1, 2))
(about 2100 of them so far...)
And these:
LOG: duration: 28410.968 ms statement: SELECT,name,arches,task_load,capacity FROM host JOIN sessions USING (user_id) JOIN host_config ON = host_config.host_id WHERE enabled = TRUE AND ready = TRUE AND expired = FALSE AND master IS NULL AND update_time > NOW() - '5 minutes'::interval AND active IS TRUE
How many records are in sessions table? Not sure, if you've cleaning of the table set up. If there is more than few thousands, you should run:
DELETE FROM sessions WHERE update_time < NOW() - '1 day'::interval; VACUUM sessions;
koji PR: #1492
Yes, we have a daily cron that does the delete at least. It doesn't currently do a vacuum.
Should we try running this more often? Or do you thing the vacuum matters that much?
It needn't to be done often, but I've noticed, as it is a table which gets updated often, that it can easily grow to many pages. Than even index becomes cluttered and joins (which are run on any call from builder to hub) are pain, taking tens of seconds. Running vacuum/analyze cca weekly helped me a lot to improve overall system performance. Not sure, if that is your case, but it looks from that host select, that it could be.
Well, I tried running a pg_dump and then periodically vacuuming the sessions table... didn't seem to help. ;( Afer a while things got slow again... it perhaps did a bit better, but it still wasn't really acceptable.
Also, our dump excludes the sessions table entirely.
Any other ideas on what could be happening here? If we can't come up with a db fix, I may need to look at making a hot standby and try doing the backups on that...
ok, so I setup a hot-standby and ran the dump on there. Sadly, that caused the master to do the same thing.
I am pretty sure whats happening here is:
Perhaps this table could be partitioned? say into 'recent' and 'archive' ? Then all the inserts would be done on the small 'recent' partition and things could slowly be moved to the large (but mostly not used) archive over time? Or even a new partition per month or something? ie, always insert into the current months partition, if there isn't one, create one and insert to it. With constraint exclusion, this could even make queries a lot faster (it would avoid partitions that couldn't possibly satisfy the query).
Or if thats too complex, perhaps the buildroot_listing could be changed to be a buildroot id and then an array of the rpm_ids instead of pairs of values (which results in tons more inserts). That would collapse a bunch of inserts into one.
The only other really large table is 'task' (for us it's 47 GB). It has a number of the same constraints... it's inserted into a lot, but often all queries are for recent tasks. So, perhaps it could be also partitioned?
We did manage to get a goo backup from the hot standby yesterday. Not sure what changed...
ok, I managed to I think tweak things so we can get a good, consistent backup from the hot standby.
I'd really like to ask for improvement upstream on this however. I am sure it will hit more folks, and koji could definitely be more efficent here.
Theres several upstream tickets already related to this: (dealing with old, rarely accessed data) (use bulk inserts instead of inserting 100's to 1000's of times per buildroot)
Do you want me to file a more general database performance ticket? Or just leave it to those two?
Metadata Update from @kevin: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
I've added also for partitioning the tables. I don't think, that general db performance is useful.
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