#6144 PDC did not send fedmsgs for import of several recent composes
Closed 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by adamwill.

Since around 2017-07-01, PDC seems not to have sent pdc.compose fedmsgs for several composes. Here are the composes for which pdc.compose fedmsgs appear during this time:

            "compose_id": "Fedora-Docker-25-20170703.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Rawhide-20170702.n.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Cloud-25-20170702.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Cloud-24-20170702.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Docker-25-20170702.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-26-20170701.n.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Rawhide-20170701.n.0",

but here are the composes Pungi has produced in that time (approximately, this is based on a dumb check of the pungi compose fedmsgs so some of these may have failed):

            "compose_id": "Fedora-Rawhide-20170703.n.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Cloud-25-20170703.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-26-20170703.n.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Atomic-25-20170703.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Cloud-24-20170703.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Docker-25-20170703.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-26-20170702.n.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Rawhide-20170702.n.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-26-20170702.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Cloud-25-20170702.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Atomic-25-20170702.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Cloud-24-20170702.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Docker-25-20170702.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-26-20170701.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-26-20170701.n.0",
            "compose_id": "Fedora-Rawhide-20170701.n.0",

At first I thought the missing composes weren't imported at all, but in fact I do see at least Fedora-26-20170702.0 in the PDC database, haven't checked the others. So it seems like the issue is in fact with the sending of fedmsgs. Notably, the Fedora-26-20170702.0 compose that was missed is the 26 Final RC-1.3 compose; PDC failing to send a fedmsg meant the validation event for it was not automatically created by the bot, which relies on the PDC fedmsgs.

A Fedora-26-20170703.0 compose was also done recently; it has not appeared in PDC yet, and there has been no fedmsg obviously.

Confirmed. Looks like these two made it into PDC:

But I don't see corresponding fedmsg events in datagrepper for either of them:

It seems like rawhide is working... are only those 2 f26 composes missing?

I don't have a list of exactly what's missing on-hand, but it should be possible to come up with a script relatively easily - just grab all the Pungi compose state change messages for the last while from datagrepper, filter down to changes to FINISHED or FINISHED_INCOMPLETE , then query PDC for all the composes and see which aren't there...

@ralph is this something you could do? (check datagrepper vs PDC for composes it's missing)

I think things have been pretty stable recently, so perhaps there is only that one short gap, I don't know.

Yeah - I can come up with a list. (Sorry for not seeing the question sooner).

Here's a script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function

import collections
import datetime
import sys

# dnf install python-requests
import requests

url = 'https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/raw'
topic = 'org.fedoraproject.prod.pungi.compose.status.change'

def get_page(page):
    response = requests.get(url, params=dict(
    return response.json()

def get_composes():
    data = get_page(page=1)
    total_pages = data['pages']
    for page in range(1, total_pages + 1):
        print("page", page, "of", total_pages, "for", topic, file=sys.stderr)
        data = get_page(page=page)
        for msg in data['raw_messages']:
            if 'FINISHED' not in msg['msg']['status']:
            yield msg['msg']['compose_id'], msg['msg_id']

pdc_url = 'https://pdc.fedoraproject.org/rest_api/v1/composes/'
for compose_id, msg_id in get_composes():
    params = dict(compose_id=compose_id)
    response = requests.get(pdc_url, params=params)
    print("  queried %s" % response.request.url, file=sys.stderr)
    if not bool(response):
        print(compose_id, "gave a %r error" % response)
    data = response.json()
    if data['count'] != 1:
        print("%s %s had %i entries in PDC" % (compose_id, msg_id, data['count']))

It should output message ids for the missing composes. We can then try to reimport them by running pdc-updater-retry on pdc-backend01 with the given msg_ids.

OK, here's the set of composes that had a pungi message on the bus, but no compose in PDC. The msg_id can be used to retry them with pdc-updater-retry on pdc-backend01.

Fedora-Cloud-24-20170711.0 2017-895ea72b-f5c1-4ee0-bd96-1ff0c3480368 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Rawhide-20170711.n.0 2017-3ff3106c-732d-4661-8b18-a7d3e8f8414b had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-26-20170713.0 2017-917c5455-217e-403a-83cf-34370045d9c0 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-26-20170717.0 2017-6700ec76-47da-42bf-be0b-1af208627140 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-25-20170718.0 2017-519ff1e3-fda6-475e-a931-d902e11bbd3f had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Cloud-24-20170719.0 2017-44b6e7e5-ef45-4e08-a23e-9065a12db855 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-26-20170720.0 2017-31ce1f2a-e06c-4ceb-93ce-e7c23b1bb780 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Rawhide-20170722.n.0 2017-d3b7c9c7-0220-4fdc-a671-14cd63754b72 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Cloud-24-20170725.0 2017-316553c9-c703-4403-af34-ea2bc30002c8 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Cloud-25-20170726.0 2017-6e79686c-be9d-4ae4-a70f-40cb61cb31a7 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-25-20170727.0 2017-b4c04625-a112-44da-8c58-6974d6bf4f63 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Cloud-24-20170728.0 2017-ef0ac2b5-9bc8-4bec-968b-140ea33a7fbd had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Cloud-25-20170730.0 2017-edb10d9a-dbae-474b-9176-a39699d3c616 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Cloud-25-20170731.0 2017-8cd8e23d-50d0-4e74-87d0-16ac4a9e8761 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-25-20170803.0 2017-0c1a2159-7c2b-4684-8e9a-81bedf91b16f had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-25-20170804.0 2017-e5032293-b23a-4347-afc7-25051720f506 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-25-20170805.0 2017-f151c179-02a7-4a6b-9508-e850486bb804 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Rawhide-20170816.n.0 2017-5e1272e1-c95d-49f3-811e-bb7bbc65126f had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-26-20170818.0 2017-01854dc5-e6f7-497d-a717-9213a9f43a46 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-25-20170823.0 2017-1ab84fea-0a90-4370-93d2-0123289bfd1d had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Rawhide-20170823.n.0 2017-385bb9bf-497a-464c-8448-85e5f6ef007c had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Rawhide-20170824.n.0 2017-378cdc2e-0d66-442c-8ebb-312f5cb409ad had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Rawhide-20170825.n.0 2017-185f8234-a185-48dc-96c3-38977581db65 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Rawhide-20170827.n.0 2017-bda75f01-a6a9-4b5b-b1f3-9bfb7561873d had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Rawhide-20170828.n.0 2017-7f847d56-7b79-4f6e-b78a-49903e87532d had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-25-20170902.0 2017-4cfa342d-e97e-4536-9e44-9bf5c97752ed had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-26-20170902.0 2017-3b91ab04-da4e-45b2-b167-39f6b04d2115 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-26-20170903.0 2017-bfbf3c8a-4eb1-407e-9f09-da0aad25e2e1 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-25-20170905.0 2017-c36f77f0-6a46-49d7-b1e9-2084583cf4b2 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-26-20170905.0 2017-d6c4fcf8-5b77-451e-ba4e-e5f8803b2eb6 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-25-20170907.0 2017-300e42b7-49c1-4445-9cd2-fc44f7678add had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-27-20170909.n.0 2017-cde29cc5-6967-4b2b-9001-72aa035d4ceb had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Rawhide-20170911.n.0 2017-36352402-a62e-4d29-9e9e-99a9549f9d62 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-27-20170911.n.0 2017-5e84be9b-64d5-4f49-875d-ff7d45d8d4e8 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-27-20170913.n.0 2017-66478205-e5c5-4cec-a3d3-4bcdb4d61101 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-25-20170916.0 2017-aff38874-b128-4dde-a14b-8066cf1dd73d had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Cloud-25-20170917.0 2017-a98f2fc7-4551-4d25-9e51-7370d3e5227a had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-25-20170918.0 2017-1646b5a7-b0fe-41b6-9eba-b02d37eae904 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Cloud-25-20170919.0 2017-8d5672b7-c5e6-4182-b66e-9336d7a81319 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Cloud-25-20170921.0 2017-c7dc0ff7-ccbf-4d06-bc5f-9b5fd2c1d523 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-25-20170922.0 2017-169359a2-b101-41c6-ad05-a678ff70e388 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-25-20170923.0 2017-a0f7a9a9-f3dd-4521-b2aa-626aaa3813e3 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-25-20170924.0 2017-583eb1e0-dfbd-449c-9ce0-9517985eb96d had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Cloud-25-20170924.0 2017-e21c4372-5d33-4975-a085-9e74f06f6284 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-25-20170925.0 2017-bed8ea3d-deb6-409c-93da-1bdbb0457e83 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-26-20170926.0 2017-e48d792f-7511-4b2d-8512-048380adc7c1 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-25-20170927.0 2017-f444c420-5115-460a-b7f5-00b663265dbc had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-25-20170927.0 2017-7ee3154f-df16-44fb-8538-57e88f4d6153 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Bikeshed-20170927.n.2 2017-d087cae2-ebf3-463d-ba87-7f07912e15e3 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Bikeshed-20170927.n.5 2017-c5189516-efa6-47db-b928-000a56a323e1 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Rawhide-20170929.n.0 2017-0ed65c63-d7b0-477e-bef9-d16d62b564a9 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-27-20170929.n.0 2017-d09a285e-1a2f-4935-9c68-bccffc787595 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Rawhide-20170929.n.1 2017-90c69652-d457-45eb-bab6-a8e1f6d9a34a had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Rawhide-20170930.n.0 2017-8e30eef6-daf5-48f6-9fc5-12ff5072f69e had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Rawhide-20171001.n.0 2017-18eee247-6b59-4f07-9e4b-131b6f59a4ce had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Rawhide-20171002.n.0 2017-44bbbade-8714-44c8-9e6a-be8dc7534cd7 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-25-20171003.0 2017-3c7522ce-2796-4915-8403-f88dc2625e5d had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-27-20171003.n.0 2017-f2d81e55-078f-4d43-a817-2e19fdfc33fd had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Rawhide-20171003.n.0 2017-d8371fdd-4fb7-4e3c-8ad9-6bbbbd16d254 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-27-20171003.n.1 2017-29ed8bc8-46ec-423c-ac36-ef167ff21840 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-27-20171004.n.0 2017-2ee19f02-1450-4a2a-87e8-783137fc51da had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Bikeshed-20171004.n.0 2017-bdcc254e-0ff6-4490-bb66-cfa822695397 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-25-20171005.0 2017-29c63d3d-3e50-467c-b5a5-1a67a985ef56 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Bikeshed-20171005.n.0 2017-6e7a2e61-dc97-4c8f-a3b7-9689246fa46d had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-26-20171006.0 2017-6fe50f8e-dfe9-4341-81ec-8ee4c61f9fde had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Bikeshed-20171007.n.1 2017-1f54e5b2-174b-4941-a3e5-ab5c5f0c1b07 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Bikeshed-20171008.n.0 2017-bddc63cf-395e-4328-9033-b03af103bd9e had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Rawhide-20171009.n.0 2017-f71929ce-86a1-4cc5-b9c8-e3bf24c95409 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-27-20171009.n.0 2017-dbc86f16-7e45-4f8b-862f-ff8c1565d74c had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-27-20171009.n.0 2017-72762ff0-c4d7-4191-be97-767a148b561c had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-27-20171011.n.0 2017-83562473-7355-428e-9324-df1f7ae9e4c4 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-f27-updates-Fedora-Modular-27-20171013.3 2017-cb0d784d-e5c7-4ed5-b358-d999faafabad had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-f27-updates-updates-Fedora-Modular-27-20171013.0 2017-af8cc7f4-03bd-4bfc-afad-0fb83a494f2b had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-f27-updates-updates-20171013.0 2017-1e4795e6-8b0b-4c0f-8211-3a939bb8df33 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-Bikeshed-20171015.n.0 2017-875ffe0b-805e-4505-869b-57dd7a93a39e had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-26-20171016.0 2017-241ad636-9002-41a0-8a27-d55a9852db75 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-25-20171018.0 2017-c211c420-8289-4316-aa67-23c26a202840 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-27-20171022.n.0 2017-3c79f048-b4ac-46b9-9913-d4f303145385 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-26-20171024.0 2017-876c8a9c-f33f-40c6-a380-bf297e3a4743 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-25-updates-testing-20171026.0 2017-330528d8-1e2c-4166-884d-168bc1d10571 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-26-updates-testing-20171026.0 2017-f63f2732-c067-4712-833e-570a02cded18 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-6-updates-20171026.0 2017-f5e240ef-c5e5-404d-b724-c45338df5f1a had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-6-updates-testing-20171026.0 2017-76281f75-595c-4bf5-8abe-e81128fb15a4 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-25-updates-testing-20171026.1 2017-43ed8c91-b0fd-4c10-8651-ae57d94d68c0 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-26-updates-testing-20171026.1 2017-9076b7ff-c66a-42e7-9294-8947b72535e9 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-7-updates-20171026.0 2017-d474ea7f-ec3e-4789-a312-f75874d92c5f had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-7-updates-testing-20171026.0 2017-b224c3ed-2fee-48ad-b6ca-82833b8a7655 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Atomic-26-20171027.0 2017-0b229323-adae-4399-b436-498ceb49cc7f had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-26-updates-testing-20171027.0 2017-00cfccf0-fcdb-406c-b682-3a2d65eee55a had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-7-updates-testing-20171027.0 2017-39fd142b-a6c2-491f-8044-e7e0ea22e2ea had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-25-updates-testing-20171027.0 2017-f9a10a27-18f2-48d8-a0c7-f1c76904cebf had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-26-updates-testing-20171027.1 2017-686f7ea5-347a-4bbf-ad0e-2c0fc24d0481 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-6-updates-testing-20171027.0 2017-853b2fb6-2458-4e1a-97e5-4529ed122bc8 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-27-updates-testing-20171027.0 2017-f4b4d642-120a-475c-9b9e-607473987424 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Cloud-26-20171028.0 2017-e4f7eb62-5d18-4e6a-b5b0-7f4cf9139af5 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-25-updates-testing-20171028.0 2017-81fea7e6-5190-4c23-8370-02fe319d52a8 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-26-updates-testing-20171028.0 2017-8d2f08e9-61e3-4b62-90dd-87a27cf590d2 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Docker-25-20171029.0 2017-65bc825c-c72c-4530-952b-b1ee2b8f3764 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-7-updates-20171029.0 2017-1aa851fd-ad49-40bb-89e5-f11097bf8afd had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-6-updates-20171029.0 2017-bd4e701f-b8ed-4be4-9d21-36588cc0cdf6 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-7-updates-20171029.1 2017-66b90568-49ce-45b9-86a5-6f14677755e8 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-6-updates-testing-20171029.0 2017-082fd734-24de-4c0f-8643-bbf079b043af had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-25-updates-testing-20171029.0 2017-3d327d11-9656-4eaf-bce1-9c525c59bf98 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-7-updates-testing-20171029.0 2017-135e2796-0d32-414d-86ee-78092570fc7c had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-26-updates-testing-20171029.0 2017-981ca1b1-8b6d-4698-929f-04cb9b92bf59 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-27-updates-testing-20171030.0 2017-b15b167c-dae0-4bca-8400-917de5b85c57 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-6-updates-testing-20171030.0 2017-f9cff244-0de6-4bf4-ad6e-862baa1f9731 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-25-updates-testing-20171030.0 2017-87c7fa67-5995-411c-887b-d74a52b586a0 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-7-updates-testing-20171030.0 2017-d66ad537-9ec3-4906-867b-1e9c809bf6c1 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-26-updates-testing-20171030.0 2017-23d304c1-58bb-4ee0-bab0-6840ec3d1ae4 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-6-updates-20171030.0 2017-6535bdef-3465-4290-9231-9d26225433d6 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Epel-7-updates-20171030.0 2017-9cbd1610-7f06-4d4d-b79b-9ea584bbd5c8 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-27-20171031.n.1 2017-c1493d88-0ff8-4200-9222-33d1d9e89fe9 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-27-updates-testing-20171031.4 2017-4b15bfc2-9704-4348-9cc4-32dbc23162ef had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-27-updates-testing-20171031.5 2017-479253fd-d000-4f42-b345-7a49ecdfc152 had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-27-updates-testing-20171031.7 2017-b059d0ea-54e7-4244-82e8-184ab8c7339c had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-27-updates-testing-20171031.9 2017-8a4505c4-22ee-448e-a395-914b5c29721b had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-Modular-27-20171031.n.2 2017-06cba8eb-c242-40d1-b5cc-63466f741c1e had 0 entries in PDC
Fedora-27-updates-testing-20171031.0 2017-16cecd37-50ca-43a8-8c51-18fb981f9089 had 0 entries in PDC

FYI, I'm trying an import of all of these now on pdc-backend01.

It happened again. Compose Fedora-27-20171105.0 (a release candidate) was created and imported to PDC, but no fedmsg for it was sent, though fedmsgs were sent for composes that completed shortly before and after it.

edit: actually that's slightly different, isn't it? that time the compose was imported, but no fedmsg was sent. Not sure if related or different.

OK, the missing fedmsg should be fixed by #6482, going forwards.

I'm going to regenerate the list of missing composes here and try reimporting them now that that is fixed, and we're out of freeze.

Metadata Update from @ralph:
- Issue assigned to ralph

6 years ago

OK - there were two issues here. The fedmsg bit (hopefully fixed in #6482) and the missing composes, which should be fixed here. I ran through the old ones and imported ~50 of them. A bunch of them 404'd those, since they've been reaped from kojipkgs... I guess they're lost forever.

Metadata Update from @ralph:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

"A bunch of them 404'd those, since they've been reaped from kojipkgs... I guess they're lost forever."

Yep, nightlies are generally cleaned up after 14 days. If we missed the data it's just not available anywhere any more, I don't think :/

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