#5423 Repository for shared, secure password distribution
Closed: Fixed 7 years ago Opened 8 years ago by jflory7.

= phenomenon =

In [https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/229 marketing#229], the Marketing team has put together a policy and proposal for managing shared passwords for social media accounts in a secure environment. We'd like to request the advice and the creation of a private repository for managing the passwords.

= background analysis =

Passwords would be stored in a single repository, managed by [https://www.passwordstore.org/ pass], a CLI password management utility. pass uses GPG encryption for encrypting and decrypting passwords. Privileges would be granted based on the [https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/view/fedora-socialmedia fedora-socialmedia] FAS group.

[https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/229#comment:10 marketing#229c10] best describes the current proposal.

= implementation recommendation =

We would like to know what the thoughts of the Infra team is on this approach and any ideas for securely managing this information in a shared environment.

So, the only big downside I can think of here (and forgive me if it's already been noted): The way pass words is that it will encrypt all files for the set of keys. If you add a new user, you will need to 'touch' all the password files to get it to re-encrypt including the new person. Also, when removing a user you will need remove their key and change ALL the passwords, because in git history (and their local copies) they can still read/decrypt these (and also of course they could have copied them at anytime they had access anyhow).

Aside from that limitation I think it should work ok.

What about using a pagure repo/project? We don't have private repos yet, but should soon.

As an update for this ticket: discussion is ongoing in [https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/229#comment:11 marketing-team#229]. puiterwijk doesn't like the downsides to this either and offered to try to build a custom workaround for using FAS to gain login access to the Twitter specifically. More details will be shared here as we have them. But for now, this ticket is still a "work in progress". :)

This has been fixed in another way.

This has been fixed in another way.

@puiterwijk changed the status to Fixed

7 years ago

This has been fixed in another way.

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