#4718 elections making lots of db transactions
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by kevin.

Seems that elections is making a lot of db connections/transactions:

16431 | elections | 21930 | 16392 | electionsuser | | |
| 54142 | 2015-04-10 13:46:07.861844+00 | 2015-04-10 13:46:07.866851+00
| 2015-04-10 13:54:03.046838+00 | 2015-04-10 13:54:03.047274+00 | f | idle in transactio
n | SELECT elections.id AS elections_id, elections.shortdesc AS elections_shortdesc, elections
.alias AS elections_alias, elections.description AS elections_description, elections.url AS el
ections_url, elections.start_date AS elections_start_date, elections.end_date AS elections_end
date, elections.seats_elected AS elections_seats_elected, elections.embargoed AS elections_em
bargoed, elections.voting_type AS elections_voting_type, elections.max_votes AS elections_max

votes, elections.candidates_are_fasusers AS elections_candidates_are_fasusers, elections.fas_u
ser AS elections_fas_user

   |               |       |          |               |                  |              | 
            |             |                               |

| | | |
| FROM elections

   |               |       |          |               |                  |              | 
            |             |                               |

| | | |
| WHERE elections.start_date > '2015-04-10T13:54:03.034578'::timestamp ORDER BY elections.st
art_date DESC

postgres 13102 0.0 0.0 1302928 7900 ? Ss 13:30 0:00 postgres: electionsuser elections idle in transaction

With no elections happening it seems like it should be making almost no queries.

I wonder if this is not simply coming from the front page of the application, nagios checks it iirc, so every time nagios visit that page one query is launched.

It's possible I suppose, but why are they in a transaction?

All the connections show as "idle in transaction"

This might indeed just not be an issue tho... although Patrick said he saw a lot of connections from it? I don't see that in collectd.

We had a new election running since, is this helping for this problem?

I still see about 25 sitting in idle in transaction...

I guess we can just close this if it's not actually known to cause us issues.

I'm going to close this unless we can see a more detailed issue.

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