#445 Moving planet.fp.o from planet to venus
Closed: Fixed None Opened 16 years ago by gdk.

Venus has some advantages over planet, one of which is clear: the ability to do keyword filtering of posts. It would be awesome to be able to include feeds that have Fedora-specific news.

This also means packaging Venus for Fedora, but that should be pretty straightforward, since it's 90% just the Planet codebase.

Seth, what do you think?

I asked him to file the ticket. I think it's doable w/o a lot of work, but maybe not this week.

Just need to package venus and get it submitted for fedora/epel. i'm pretty sure all the deps are already in rhel5.

Sounds good to me then, I guess its just a matter of finding the time to get the work done.


If you want filters, yell at me and I can add them (or not) to whatever items as we go.

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