#3985 Fedora Magazine loads slowly
Closed: Fixed None Opened 11 years ago by mitzie.

= problem =
The Fedora Magazine loads slowly. I have noticed that from the very very beginning, and yesterday we made a test with croberts, visiting the site at the same time, causing the site to lag up to 10 seconds to load the front page. Just imagine 10 visitors viewing the site..I have tried to deactivate any non-necessary WordPress plugins, but still nothing.

= enhancement recommendation =
I have seen on the Openshift account that we have signed up for the Free account. Probably we should upgrade our account, and have more bandwidth or ram..

There's two issues here (at least :)

  1. We setup fedoramagazine.org to proxy via our proxy setup in order to have it use the fedoraproject.org ssl cert for https access. However, this means requests go to a proxy of ours, then to the openshift site, then back again, making things slow. Personally, I would suggest we disable/don't use https on it and change dns to point to it directly. The only reason you NEED https is admins to login, and they can easily do that with the wordpress openid plugin which doesn't need https on the site.

  2. Wordpress itself is just kind of slow in openshift. I worked with some openshift folks when we had slowness issues with flocktofedora.org (also wordpress in openshift). They said the instance was pretty much idle, it wasn't server resources that were causing anything. We ended up adding a plugin called: "W3 Total Cache" that made things a great deal faster, then we tweaked the theme to be faster too.


I have joined the Fedora infrastructure group, since I am actively involved in the magazine as well, I am going to accept this ticket.

The site is running alot faster now since jetpack is removed. JZB is getting us a medium gear on openshift and the site will be moved to that. Closing this ticket since site performance has been fine since Saturday.

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