The outage in ticket#3252 was difficult to track down due to lack of logs and error checking.
Some things to do here:
Add to /usr/share/mirrormanager/server/generate-publiclist:
bandwidth = 0 for h in hosts: if type(h.bandwidth_int) is not type(3): h.bandwidth_int = 0 print h bandwidth = bandwidth + h.bandwidth_int bandwidth = bandwidth / 1024 # convert to Gb
We were hitting a case where h.bandwidth was null and it was messing up the updates.
Also, metalinks were returning simply:
Bad request, but the entire string was:
Bad Request unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'int' and 'NoneType'
which might have told us more.
mirrorlist/metalinks were returning Bad Request without specifying the exception causing it.
I added the exception string output to the results that the mirrorlist_server generated. I'm adding that and the bandwidth_int check to the hotfixes for mirrormanager
Added patches to both as hotfixes and tested on apply.
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