#3100 Data Dump from SMOLT DB
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by tflink.

I would like to get the raw mysqldump from SMOLT for at least F15 and F16.

I've dumped the entries from the smolt host table matching f15 and f16.

The file is located in your homedir on fedorapeople.org

Please let me know if this is insufficient.

I apologize for the delay in this but I just got around to digging into the smolt data.

Is there any way to get all of the smolt data from F15 and F16 instead of just the host table? I was hoping for more information on the devices in recorded systems (network cards and video cards is what I'm specifically interested in ATM).

hi, I've done a complete mysqldump of the database and I've compressed it down to 780MB. A trivial size, relatively. :)

I'm going to make it available in my account on fedorapeople.org for you to download. I'll ping you directly with a hidden url.

data has been made available.

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