The entente project has not taken off and the resource are being wasted mostly due to my inactivity. There was an email from the lists team that the entente-devel list sent out a lot of spam emails. I would like to request for removal of the project as its doing a lot of harm to fedora and its also wasting resources.
Please remove the following project resources from fedora servers.
Mailing list: entente-devel Git repo: entente.git Trac: Entente FASGroup:gitentente Old Ticket reference: Ticket #1707
thank you and sorry for the trouble.
Jose Mathew Manimala
Entente-devel Mailing List is now removed. The git repository is backup and removed from its original position. Entente Project on Trac got removed as well.
CCing Seth to have FAS group removed as well.
Thank you for this averi :)
Replying to [comment:2 josemm]:
No problem. You are welcome :)
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