#2061 MM redirects
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by mmcgrath.

= phenomenon =

= background analysis =

= implementation recommendation =

From the previous ticket (mdomsch)

Due to NFR, we no longer need redirects for all alpha/beta/rc releases. MM's update-master-directory-list cronjob recognizes when pub/fedora/linux/development/13 hit the tree, and set up the repo=fedora-13 mapping to that directory tree. (There's a bug in the MM on bapp01 right now, but I'll get that fixed. I did this manually for this release). Secondarily, once pub/fedora/linux/releases/13 gets created, the repo=fedora-13 mappings should automatically get moved to the releases/13 directory tree. That code is present, but untested, so is probably broken.

But for alpha, we're good and done.

Beta is done. Only needs will be for after final.

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