#2008 Host Zikula 1.2.2 RPM in Fedora Infrastructure repo
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by quaid.

= Change Requested =

The Zikula 1.2.x versions currently have some packaging problems that cannot be resolved in time for the Fedora Insight schedule.

Can we host the 1.2.x package in the Infrastructure repository until one of the conditions below are met?

= Reasoning =

Fedora Insight needs a temporary, few months to 6 months, hosting of the main Zikula package in order to gain access to version 1.2.2 of Zikula. The current version in Fedora cannot meet deployment needs, some of which are in the upstream head after coding efforts related to Fedora Insight.

Ultimately, this is a temporary situation to allow us to follow upstream more closely and based entirely in Infrastructure's SOPs. We'll continue to work with upstream on getting changes done or finished for 1.3, when the problem should go away.

== Background ==

=== Summary ===

  • Zikula has a forked and bundled library, 'php-gettext', used in l10n
  • In Dec. 2009 Toshio (abadger1999) and David (ke4qqq) figured these as the possible routes:
    # Patch existing 'php-gettext' with Zikula changes, or ...
    # Zikula maintains 'zikula-php-gettext' separately, and package it separately, or ...
    *# Ask FESCo for an exception.
  • The changes are relative: a few new functions added and some code cleanup
  • Changes are not being accepted by 'php-gettext' upstream
    ** Upstream has been quiet/stable for a few years, recently began making changes with apparent goal of updating for PHP 5.3
  • Zikula intends to drop usage of this package in 1.3 release, to be inline with packaging goals (only use LGPL licensed libraries.)
    ** Unclear when this could happen; from a few months to longer.
  • Current timing events that collide, making us request this as an Infrastructure package:
    Fedora Insight has a dependency target of being ready in staging by 3/3 when Infrastructure unfreezes;
    Zikula is not likely to make any changes this week;
    ** We don't want to ask FESCo for an exception (yet), it's a last choice, and waiting until the upcoming meeting knocks our dependency timing;
  • We have several routes for resolution to get the package in to Fedora proper, so Infrastructure doesn't need to maintain this long-term.

=== IRC log ===

12:13 < ke4qqq> zikula forked/bundled a library
12:14 < itbegins> hopefully, if you edit the article, and hit the go online button should fix it
12:14 < jds2001> ke4qqq: that's not new news :/
12:14 < ke4qqq> back in december - toshio and I decided that we could 1. patch the existing php-gettext package with 
                zikula changes (it's an option, not a good one, but an option)
12:14  * quaid listens
12:15 < ke4qqq> or we could have them maintain zikula-php-gettext separately and package it separately
12:15 < ke4qqq> or 3. we could aske fesco for an exception
12:15 < jds2001> how substantially is it modified?
12:15 < itbegins> very as I understand it
12:15 < ke4qqq> the changes (/me has been going through the source) and there are two files - in the first file - they 
                have two additional functions
12:15 < itbegins> ke4qqq, you know better than me then :)
12:16 < ke4qqq> but we aren't talking the same version - iirc they were on 1.0.7 and we are 1.0.9
12:16 < ke4qqq> I haven't gotten to the second file
12:16 < ke4qqq> the rest of the changes are whitespace changes
12:16 < ke4qqq> though they did clean things up quite a bit and make it more eadable
12:16 < ke4qqq> readable
12:17  * ke4qqq is not inclined to ask fesco for an exception (and made that choice back in december) because zikula plans 
          to drop this package when they hit 1.3
12:17 < jds2001> so i guess the question revolves around the second file, and why this wasnt done with php-gettext 
12:18 < itbegins> pcalarco, did you get anywhere with creating FWN articles?
12:19 < ke4qqq> the initial claim was that upstream was dead - though they have done two releases since december, and two 
                other reasons - 1. is that upstream wouldn't/didn't accept the patches, and 2. they already plan on

                dropping it because it's not licensed as they want it long term. (they want libs licensed lgplv2)
12:19 < pcalarco> itbegins: they are all listed as online, but not showing up on the frontpage for some reason
12:19 < ke4qqq> (though upstream appeared dead - aside from the two most recent releases they haven't had a release in 
                three years)
12:19 < jds2001> i guess it's just that good :)
12:20 < ke4qqq> well I think a lot of the recent stuff was centered around making it work with php5
12:20 < ke4qqq> but I don't know
12:20 < jds2001> so what part is this for?
12:21 < itbegins> jds2001, this lbirary is used almost everywhere for gettext (i.e multilingualism in the UI)
12:21 < jds2001> ahh, so in the core, not a module.
12:21 < ke4qqq> yeah - I tried just unbundling back in december and it just pukes all over itself
12:22 < ke4qqq> so quaid proposed putting the 1.2.2 build hiemanshu did into infra repo while fedora waits on 1.3.x to fix 
                this issue or we come up with something equally brilliant
12:23 < jds2001> yeah, but how long does this last?
12:23 < jds2001> im not opposed, but i'd like to get mike's blessing on that.
12:23 < ke4qqq> well drak has promised it's going away with $somethingbetter at 1.3 - but no idea on 1.3 timeline.
12:24 < itbegins> I would guess 1.3 is a few months away
12:24 < itbegins> but things may move faster
12:24 < itbegins> having said that, development priorities changed recently so I can't guarantee we will see movement on 
                  the gettext library issue in 1.3
12:25 < jds2001> :(
12:27 < ke4qqq> itbegins: any chance drak is on irc now?
12:28 < itbegins> ke4qqq, don't think so, he's in Nepal I believe

== Plan ==

  • Use 1.2.2 code to build in koji.
  • Bring that package in to Infrastructure repos.
  • Follow upstream situation from within Infrastructure and cross-function Logistsics team.
  • Update to Fedora-based package when feasible, removing package from Infrastructure repo.

== Conditions for removal from Infrastructure repo ==

Necessary conditions allow for updated package in Fedora latest.

At the time of appearance of a package in rawhide, evaluate if the rawhide package is a sufficient trigger to remove the package from Infrastructure.

Just to add some additional detail. We (Zikula's project lead, Toshio, and I) have talked extensively (~50 emails on the subject). They acknowledge that forking a 3rd party library is a BAD THING (tm), and that they now have a policy in place that forbids the practice. In the short term - I think they have decided that they will fork/maintain this within Zikula. They moved it from their includes directory to the core of the project.

My only fear is that 'temporary fixes become permanent fixes', in which case we are forced back to dealing with one of the three paths that quaid mentioned above or ripping it out altogether.

I have no desire to ask FESCo for an exception and have no plans to do so - nor do I think the current FESCo would grant it given some of the recent zlib and wordpress bundled lib conversations that have occurred recently on -devel.

There is also the alternative of staying at 1.1.2 which is the version currently in EPEL/Fedora. There is clearly some reason this isn't preferred, and I think it's module related, but honestly am not certain as I have sadly been less involved in the Insight deployment than I wish I could be.

Replying to [comment:1 ke4qqq]:

There is also the alternative of staying at 1.1.2 which is the version currently in EPEL/Fedora. There is clearly some reason this isn't preferred, and I think it's module related, but honestly am not certain as I have sadly been less involved in the Insight deployment than I wish I could be.

AIUI, we have to move to 1.2.2 to get the working pagemaster, which is the templating system. We were otherwise unable to meet requirements of user teams, e.g. FWN. I don't have details beyond this, but that seemed to be the common understanding.

Replying to [comment:3 quaid]:

Replying to [comment:1 ke4qqq]:

There is also the alternative of staying at 1.1.2 which is the version currently in EPEL/Fedora. There is clearly some reason this isn't preferred, and I think it's module related, but honestly am not certain as I have sadly been less involved in the Insight deployment than I wish I could be.

AIUI, we have to move to 1.2.2 to get the working pagemaster, which is the templating system. We were otherwise unable to meet requirements of user teams, e.g. FWN. I don't have details beyond this, but that seemed to be the common understanding.

Yup this is main reason. To use pagemaster unhacked we need to use Zikula 1.2.x. Having it in the infra repo would work for staging (and I can make a repo for zikula for F11 and F12 in my fedorapeople page)

The repos are createrepo'ing right now. You should be able to find them in yum in a few moments. You might have to clear your yum cache if you do it immediately.

Thanks everyone for the quick action, we should make deadlines fine now.

Closing this ticket and incorporating the details/conditions about the repo package in a Zikula SOP page for Infrastructure I'll be creating (or adding to if I find one exists.)

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