#196 k12ltsp
Closed: Fixed None Opened 16 years ago by wtogami.

Project name: k12ltsp

Project short summary: Source control for K12LTSP

SCM choice (git/hg/svn): bzr

Importing from another SCM? If yes, which? No

Project admin Fedora Account System account name: wtogami

group bzrk12ltsp was created and wtogami is the owner

Both ricky and I still dont have access to the CVS server, so i will wait someone to create the repo before i proceed with all other steps

bzr repository created on the server. You'll need to push or start a new branch as your first action:
export BRANCHNAME=k12ltsp-dev
bzr init-repo k12ltsp
cd k12ltsp
bzr init $BRANCHNAME
bzr push sftp://wtogami@bzr.fedoraproject.org/bzr/hosted/k12ltsp/$BRANCHNAME
After that, you can advertise anonymous branching via:
bzr branch http://bzr.fedoraproject.org/hosted/k12ltsp/$BRANCHNAME/

And authenticate, r/w checkouts via:
bzr branch sftp://bzr.fedoraproject.org/bzr/hosted/k12ltsp/$BRANCHNAME

Confirmed that everything is working.

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