When trying to add new admin ( ljavorsk@redhat.com ) to project "star" through https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/star/settings , I get following error message:
Page not found (404) With the message:
Project not found
You have either entered a bad URL or the page has moved, removed, or otherwise rendered unavailable. Please use the main navigation menu to get (re)started.
As he now owns the package in RHEL, I would like to have him admin access for the package, especially as the package is now FTBFS.
Thanks in advance for resolving/looking into it...
Metadata Update from @zlopez: - Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review) - Issue tagged with: Needs investigation, ops
I can confirm that adding the user as admin really causing 404, same happens with other roles. I also tried to add myself, just to test it out and I ended up with the same issue.
I checked the logs, but I didn't found any error related to this, just plain 404.
I will try to investigate more later.
Metadata Update from @zlopez: - Issue assigned to zlopez
I didn't figured out why the 404 is happening, but I was able to add @ljavorsk as admin through database. So I'm closing this as fixed.
Metadata Update from @zlopez: - Issue untagged with: Needs investigation - Issue tagged with: low-gain, medium-trouble
Metadata Update from @zlopez: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
@zlopez This happens because Route "/<repo>/star/<star>" is endpoint for "Star or Unstar a project". See https://pagure.io/pagure/blob/master/f/pagure/ui/repo.py#_2735
It's the 'tree' package all over again. ;(
@mizdebsk I thought it will be something like that. :-/
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