Include the mx-central-1 region for cloud and coreos image deployments in Amazon EC2.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console. In the upper right corner of the console, choose your account name or number and then choose My Account. In the AWS Regions section, next to the name of the Region that you want to enable, choose Enable. In the dialog box, review the informational text and choose Enable Region. Wait until the Region is ready to use.
When it is possible preferably before our next FCOS release.
Metadata Update from @kevin: - Issue assigned to kevin
Done (well, it's pending, but should enable soon).
Thanks for the heads up.
Metadata Update from @kevin: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed with Explanation - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
I have a question regarding the quota - essentially we would like the quota to match the other regions. may I know what the current quota it is set to? If it is not the same, may I know if we can get the quota updated to match the other regions?
@kevin I have a question regarding the quota - essentially we would like the quota to match the other regions. may I know what the current quota it is set to? If it is not the same, may I know if we can get the quota updated to match the other regions?
Metadata Update from @aaradhak: - Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)
So, I am not sure how to tell.
When I look at the dashboard I get:
Service Quotas is not available in Mexico (Central). Please select another region.
Perhaps because those are new?
I guess we can can view the quota codes using:
aws service-quotas --service-code ec2 list-service-quotas
|| QuotaName | Public AMIs || || ServiceCode | ec2 || || ServiceName | Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) || || Unit | None || || Value | 11600.0
Metadata Update from @phsmoura: - Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review) - Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops
@kevin Any idea if it is related to permission issue to access the quota level data? I recently learned that we should be able to see the quota level if we have the access to it. Not necessary that we are unable to see it because it is recently added.
Well, it seems to be set to me to the same as other regions? 11600?
Is there a limit you are hitting?
We have been making sure to have the same quota level set across all regions and the desired minimum value requested has been 1000 I believe. I hope 11600 refers to the quota level in this case.
aws service-quotas request-service-quota-increase --region=ap-southeast-5 --service-code=ec2 --quota-code=L-0E3CBAB9 --desired-value 1000.00
This is the issue that was opened earlier to set the quota limit to a minimum desired value of 1000 -
I am pretty sure the 11,600 refers to the actual value of the quota.
11,600 is greater than 1000, so I don't think we want to request a smaller amount. ;)
I think @davdunc got out baseline quota set to that?
Unless I am missing something here?
Thanks for clarifying on the quota limit. I think its at a level that we wanted.
@kevin We have hit another hurdle now
[2025-01-21T14:15:45.705Z] 2025-01-21T14:15:45Z plume: couldn't publish image in mx-central-1: couldn't grant launch permission on ami-0a84f654b751d4103: OperationNotPermitted: You can���t publicly share this image because block public access for AMIs is enabled for this account. To publicly share the image, you must call the DisableImageBlockPublicAccess API.
Can we also get AWS public access enabled for this region? - aws ec2 disable-image-block-public-access --region mx-central-1
Unblocked. Can you confirm it's working now?
Its working now. Thanks for enabling the public access.
Metadata Update from @aaradhak: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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