#12338 Cannot login to copr for the past few weeks
Opened 2 months ago by mattatobin. Modified 17 days ago

400 - Bad Request
Invalid transaction id

If the error persists and if you think this is an error, contact Fedora Infra to resolve the problem.


When this originally happened it was just a str8 timeout so I let it rest while I was working on other projects, such as they are. However, now I get that message.

My copr repo is important because I am separately servicing my servers running minimal EL8 with it. I was working on expanding it when I couldn't log in anymore.

Okay, so if I login to the infra directly not from login on copr then click login it suddenly shows me logged in but if I try and log in from the copr login link that redirects it will 400 invalid transaction id.

Hope this helps narrow it down. I did get back in but its messy.

Metadata Update from @phsmoura:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

2 months ago

This isn't a very reliable way to access my copr account and surely I am not the only user affected.

I have not seen any other reports of this. ;(

Also, looking in logs it shows that it was successfull. ;(

Can you tell us which 'copr login' button you are using? There's a 'log in' and a 'gssapi login'

Can you try clearing any cookies from fedoraproject.org and see if that changes anything?

CC: @praiskup @frostyx (in case they see anything on the copr side)

I can't login to Fedora Project because of the following errors:

"Bad Gateway"
"Invalid transacation id"

Please fix this or help me logging in. my username is https://igramsaver.io

The login link at the top right of the page which takes me to fedora infracloud which fails to work. But if I log in directly at fedora infracloud i am magically logged in at copr.

Seems someone else confirms this is an issue.

Also experiencing this through Fedora Discussion. Please let me know if there are any solutions available.

Only real solution is figuring out what change made the single-signon flaky at best. Least that would be my guess since this wasn't an issue before October.

Seems to work now last few times I tried. Though no clue if its solved reverted fixed.. Communication and lagtime between responses has been rather not good.

The "invalid transaction id" message sometimes appears when there's too much time between when the page was showed to the user and the password (+otp ?) was entered. The transactions have a pretty short lifetime, I think it's around 1 minute, and I think this message is showed when a user is trying to login with an expired transaction.

I don't use 2fa. If you guys are just gonna default to clearing sessions, cookies, or cache and not investigate what seems to be a fragile bit of interop that has gotten more so sometime around end of October I am not going to be exactly pleased about it.

As an off again on again browser developer I do heavily resist accepting that user action to clean up after a web app or system is somehow not the fault of the web app or system.

This was working fine, then it wasn't, then it was intermittent, now it /seems/ fine. I think finding out exactly why and taking steps to prevent it in the future is the proper course of action.

Oh yeah it's totally a bug on the infrastructure side, absolutely not users' fault. We do want to replace this ID provider app with one that would at least be maintained, but it's a pretty big chunk of work and we have limited capacity. When we say "you can use this workaround", I assure you we don't see it as an ideal or permanent solution.

Generally it seems I receive a 400 after logging in on FAS when initiated from any other place. If I then go back to the application and click login again it redirect to FAS and back and I'm logged in.

Apparently it says 400; but it has actually logged me in the first time.

Yeah well.. I don't expect it fixed at this point. I am abandoning my use
of the fedora infrastructure. It is just gonna go on like this until the
next replacement which will have its own different issues.

Typical Fedora.

On Wed, Jan 22, 2025, 08:17 Simon de Vlieger pagure@pagure.io wrote:

supakeen added a new comment to an issue you are following:
Generally it seems I receive a 400 after logging in on FAS when initiated
from any other place. If I then go back to the application and click login
again it redirect to FAS and back and I'm logged in.

Apparently it says 400; but it has actually logged me in the first time.

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