#12282 f41 - createRepo/mergeRepo failures related to zstd in mirrors
Closed: Upstream 2 days ago by rcallicotte. Opened a month ago by rcallicotte.

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I run a local "fedora-like" koji build environment at $dayjob. I just recently (Nov-8) completed mass branching steps for our internal f41 release and noticed that all createrepo tasks for f41 fail due to "Cannot detect compression type" errors in the updates repo.

I have tested against two different external mirrors, leaseweb.net, and facebook.net. The failure exists in both.

See log output below:

==> 50465:DEFAULT:createrepo.log <==
$ /usr/bin/createrepo_c --error-exit-val -vd -o /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo -g /mnt/koji/repos/local41-build/15703/groups/comps.xml /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo
13:59:13: Version: 0.20.1 (Features: LegacyWeakdeps )
13:59:13: Signal handler setup
13:59:13: Thread pool ready
13:59:13: Dir to scan: /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo/.repodata
13:59:13: Package count: 0
13:59:13: Copy metadatum /mnt/koji/repos/local41-build/15703/groups/comps.xml -> /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo/.repodata/comps.xml
13:59:13: Creating .xml.gz files
13:59:13: Setting number of packages
13:59:13: Creating databases
13:59:13: Thread pool user data ready
13:59:13: Generating repomd.xml
13:59:13: Old repodata doesn't exists: Cannot rename /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo/repodata/ -> /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo/repodata.old.1302231.20241112135913.309512: cp: cannot stat '/tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo/repodata/': No such file or directory : Child process exited with code 1
13:59:13: Renamed /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo/.repodata/ -> /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo/repodata/
13:59:13: Memory cleanup
13:59:13: All done
Directory walk started
Directory walk done - 0 packages
Using comps.xml from target repo
Temporary output repo path: /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo/.repodata/
Preparing sqlite DBs
Pool started (with 5 workers)
Pool finished

==> 50465:DEFAULT:mergerepos.log <==
$ /usr/bin/mergerepo_c --koji -b /mnt/koji/repos/local41-build/15703/x86_64/blocklist -a x86_64 -o /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo --arch-expand -g /mnt/koji/repos/local41-build/15703/groups/comps.xml -r file:///tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo_15703_premerge/ -r https://mirror.facebook.net/fedora/linux/updates/41/Everything/x86_64/ -r https://mirror.facebook.net/fedora/linux/releases/41/Everything/x86_64/os/ -r http://repos.redacted.com/cblr/repo_mirror/local41-stable/
C_CREATEREPOLIB: Critical: cr_metadata_load_xml: Error encountered while parsing
C_CREATEREPOLIB: Critical: Cannot load repo: "https://mirror.facebook.net/fedora/linux/updates/41/Everything/x86_64/"
C_CREATEREPOLIB: Critical: cr_metadata_load_xml: Error encountered while parsing
Critical: Cannot load repo: "https://mirror.facebook.net/fedora/linux/updates/41/Everything/x86_64/" : Error encountered while parsing:primary.xml parsing: Cannot open /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/createrepo_c_tmp_repo_BAZ7wH/repodata/7fc131418a87157ce23f4d4bd6083ab68cdccd81911864b9f5a2d01657ad75cf-primary.xml.zst: Cannot detect compression type
type group added to list from path: https://mirror.facebook.net/fedora/linux/releases/41/Everything/x86_64/os/repodata/e0139f84a99188422fc0b0ce898b3eea06ee4b9702158c5a24adc70047c5a760-comps-Everything.x86_64.xml.gz 
type group_zck added to list from path: https://mirror.facebook.net/fedora/linux/releases/41/Everything/x86_64/os/repodata/7911c7e6fda34417e3f36955ec4c93ac6d86714b11a2ebcb78832a2e97f3c558-comps-Everything.x86_64.xml.zck 
type group added to list from path: /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/createrepo_c_tmp_repo_Tznesr/repodata/e0139f84a99188422fc0b0ce898b3eea06ee4b9702158c5a24adc70047c5a760-comps-Everything.x86_64.xml.gz 
type group_zck added to list from path: /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/createrepo_c_tmp_repo_Tznesr/repodata/7911c7e6fda34417e3f36955ec4c93ac6d86714b11a2ebcb78832a2e97f3c558-comps-Everything.x86_64.xml.zck 
type group added to list from path: https://mirror.facebook.net/fedora/linux/updates/41/Everything/x86_64/repodata/d345a0c1291d32f3e166b85152226b37eac5442ab466088f3444f27a24263fee-comps-Everything.x86_64.xml.zst 
type group_zck added to list from path: https://mirror.facebook.net/fedora/linux/updates/41/Everything/x86_64/repodata/aaddd0ad8d29afa50e97dda8e059e10863c62bcbb4ff26c1d34948c6d8fa575e-comps-Everything.x86_64.xml.zck 
type updateinfo added to list from path: https://mirror.facebook.net/fedora/linux/updates/41/Everything/x86_64/repodata/0e99af50d2e8ddb2f6f6725d98fc7a2d7fe3c3acadfc95d3fa228ab54201ccd8-updateinfo.xml.zst 
type updateinfo_zck added to list from path: https://mirror.facebook.net/fedora/linux/updates/41/Everything/x86_64/repodata/9b2013712bedb1a78837448d8de6d6212d8ae103c8cd0c0f08792623f809aa27-updateinfo.xml.zck 
type group added to list from path: /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/createrepo_c_tmp_repo_BAZ7wH/repodata/d345a0c1291d32f3e166b85152226b37eac5442ab466088f3444f27a24263fee-comps-Everything.x86_64.xml.zst 
type group_zck added to list from path: /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/createrepo_c_tmp_repo_BAZ7wH/repodata/aaddd0ad8d29afa50e97dda8e059e10863c62bcbb4ff26c1d34948c6d8fa575e-comps-Everything.x86_64.xml.zck 
type updateinfo added to list from path: /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/createrepo_c_tmp_repo_BAZ7wH/repodata/0e99af50d2e8ddb2f6f6725d98fc7a2d7fe3c3acadfc95d3fa228ab54201ccd8-updateinfo.xml.zst 
type updateinfo_zck added to list from path: /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/createrepo_c_tmp_repo_BAZ7wH/repodata/9b2013712bedb1a78837448d8de6d6212d8ae103c8cd0c0f08792623f809aa27-updateinfo.xml.zck 
type group added to list from path: /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo_15703_premerge/repodata/e72b6b237a363e7da04bdb2a175b2010e0253db6015e865668a630bca68618c5-comps.xml 
type group_gz added to list from path: /tmp/koji/tasks/465/50465/repo_15703_premerge/repodata/be56b12220aed934709e1d9d9ac48d3981896ed74f1c26c7688745e5630eaf88-comps.xml.gz 

==> Task has completed <==

When do you need this to be done by? (YYYY/MM/DD)

As soon as is convenient.

Metadata Update from @james:
- Issue assigned to james

24 days ago

I am not sure why the updates repo would not be parsing here but base repo is. ;(

@mikem can you see whats going on? Have you had other reports from other koji instances?

I've seen this in another instance. Fedora changed their repo compression settings recently (or just updated to a newer createrepo_c, which now defaults to zstd).

Your createrepo is rather old and does not support zstd. You could address this by upgrading createrepo_c on your builders (at least those in the createrepo channel).

Beware if you do any building for very old content, e.g. rhel-7-ish. Newer createrepo_c no longer supports old yum clients. I ended up patching my createrepo_c to default to gz compression and skip compression for the groups file.


Hello @mikem. I am running my koji environment entirely on CentOS Stream 9. The version for createrepo_c is 0.20.1-2.el9. Is there a newer version available for c9s?

I believe my rebuild is based on a Fedora build. It's not a particularly complex spec.

On RHEL, I believe you can get a newer createrepo_c from the satellite repos, but I don't see a newer build in CBS.

I'm confused how base 41 repo and rawhide works tho, those are also zstd. ;(

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops

23 days ago

I'm confused how base 41 repo and rawhide works tho, those are also zstd. ;(

From my testing, it looks like rawhide is still using gz compression?

I'm going to rebuild based on the c10s branch (1.1.2-4) and put this into a copr. My local builds of this version appear to be working so far.

ok. I am dumb, yes, rawhide and base f41 are using gz still. I know we changed them several times in the past back and forth, but I thought we did finally move them to zstd. ;(

I spoke with @tdawson and he advised me to open a jira ticket. Linking it here for sake of posterity: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RHEL-67689

I am closing this out as the issue will be handled by the RHEL team.

Metadata Update from @rcallicotte:
- Issue close_status updated to: Upstream
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 days ago

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