#12123 RFE: fedoras container image register change
Opened 5 months ago by man2dev. Modified 2 months ago


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after some looking around it seems that
is basically abandon-ware based on the fact that there hasn't been single commit on
https://github.com/genuinetools/reg for 4 years.
as such I think it would be best to find a suitable replacement for it.

When do you need this to be done by?

hopefully before a vulnerability is found

note i could not find the source code for this service in

as such I could not conduct more research

I'll try and summarize:

Yes, we know that page is out of date, but it's just the web page, I don't know that too many people use it.

We have looked at having the websites folks take over this page and just make it a generic 'how to use containers, etc' page.

We are moving to quay.io (and in fact we have a mirror of everything but flatpaks over there already). But there's still work to do before that move is finished.

Is there a reason this needs to be private? Can I make it public?

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue assigned to kevin
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: low-gain, medium-trouble

5 months ago

I'm fine with the issue being public. I initially kept it private because I suspected a potential vulnerability, given the lack of publicly available resources like source code and docs.

Suggestion: If the domain changes in the move to quay.io, please notify the toolbox maintainer beforehand, as their setup relies heavily on the current registry.

Metadata Update from @man2dev:
- Issue private status set to: False (was: True)

5 months ago

@darknao @hankuoffroad I know we talked a while back about moving the registry.fedoraproject.org page into websites and making it a more general container landing page.
Is there a issue tracking that? can we try and find someone to work on that?

@darknao @hankuoffroad I know we talked a while back about moving the registry.fedoraproject.org page into websites and making it a more general container landing page.
Is there a issue tracking that? can we try and find someone to work on that?

For visibility, you might need to consider reopening the post https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/registry-fedoraproject-org-to-quay-io-migration/88231

I don't believe I was involved with the registry page migration before.

RFC: a quick fix for fedora users would be to remove domian in


- unqualified-search-registries = ["registry.fedoraproject.org", "registry.access.redhat.com", "docker.io"]


+ unqualified-search-registries = ["quay.io", "registry.access.redhat.com", "docker.io"]

actual container tools should work fine with registry.fedoraproject.org.

We are talking about the web page at https://registry.fedoraproject.org here right?
Ie, the http thing you might look at in a browser.

The actual containers are all up to date and still used, etc.

@hankuoffroad well, we talked about it there, but that was a bigger/different thing thats blocked right now for various reasons.
I think we can do the web page moving anytime, and the sooner the better.

So where are we here?

I see https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/fedora-websites/fedora-websites-3.0/-/issues/81 ends in saying that alt.fedoraproject.org will be setup to handle containers, but it's still open.
Should I add comments there? or open a new ticket? or ?

I would love to drop the old out of date registry page for something better.

The openSUSE folks wrote a nice page for registry.opensuse.org, maybe we can use that?

@hellcp knows more about it.

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