Because the interest has increased and the issues around the confined users SIG are currently a little blurred between ask.fedora and project discussion, I would like to create a channel on Matrix: #ConfinedUsers
This might also help to bring the widespread but related topics/issues together without twisting discourse. Matthew already gave us a tag in discussion, which we indeed use, but a lot is intertwined with the ask.category without clearly belonging to any of the two, and these are often things that might be easiest to handle in Matrix. Also, the “get in touch” in joining a Matrix channel might have a lower “entry barrier” than opening a dedicated topic in discourse (especially if it is sometimes blurred if it should be an ask or project topic - some are both).
This is not urgent. When you have time.
( @siosm FYI )
Thanks :)
Metadata Update from @phsmoura: - Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review) - Issue tagged with: low-gain, low-trouble, ops
@py0xc3 You can first create a root, and then add nb / nirik as admins, and then they will add a name to it.
Metadata Update from @kevin: - Issue assigned to kevin
I have created the room and invited you. Once you join I can make you a moderator and you can adjust the name/topic as you like.
Let us know if you need anything else.
Metadata Update from @kevin: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed with Explanation - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Thanks! I joined
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