Planned Outage - server updates - 2024-02-07 22:00 UTC
There will be an outage starting at 2024-02-07 22:00UTC, which will last approximately 6 hours.
To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at or run:
date -d '2024-02-07 22:00UTC'
Reason for outage:
We will be applying updates and rebooting servers. No one service should be down long, but may be up and down in the outage window. Additionally, as time permits we will be doing the following additional work:
resizing disks on database servers
moving some database servers to rhel9 and newer postgresql
applying some firmware updates
Affected Services:
Most services will be affected for a short time, but end user facing services (mirrorlists, websites) should not be affected.
Ticket Link:
Please join #fedora-admin or #fedora-noc on or / on matrix. Please add comments to the ticket for this outage above.
Updated status for this outage may be available at
Hackmd doc to track detailed progress:
Metadata Update from @phsmoura: - Issue tagged with: medium-gain, medium-trouble
Metadata Update from @phsmoura: - Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
This outage was completed.
Metadata Update from @kevin: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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